Ok, I could try with 3 OSDs (used only as OSDs), 3 MONs/RGWs and a bounch of PVE nodes.
What I'm unable to calculate are the read/write speed. I'm not a storage expert, I don't know how to calculate the current read/write speed on local storage with 8x300GB SAS 15K in raid-6 hardware and the equivalent in Ceph with SATA disks and not raid but replica 3.
Any advice/guide/paper on this ?
compare "local storage raid6 with SAS-15K" to "three node Sata ceph" can ceph never ever win!
You have many relevant things for IO but the important are latency and througput.
a) latency
With ceph you have an much bigger latency (network-stack, software-stack).
You can use low-latency network like 10GB SFP+ Ethernet, but this is still not perfect. Infiniband work over IP only (at this time), so this is better - but not so much.
The latencies due the software is also not to small - there are a lot of inprovement in the last years but the same: still not perfect.
b) througput
write: ceph acknoledge an write, if all replicas wrote the data into the journal (with sync! - which slow down consumer SSDs). E.G. more replicas - less write speed. With good (and enough) journal-SSDs the write speed is good.
But again: you don't won't an replica of 2!! (this is no ha - this is dangerous!)
read: ceph read the data in health state from the primary only (not from the replicas) - the primary is different on each PG. Mean, that with 3 nodes, all data are on all nodes, but the reads are going to all nodes (if one node is an local one, you have for two the network between them).
For read cache you need ram on the OSD-Nodes. If the data are in Ram allready the speed is fast - sata disks not.
ceph has the advantage, that with every expansion (more osd-nodes) the starage will be faster. 3 nodes are not fast!
Our 8 node cluster is ok.
ceph is good with multible reads - mean many VMs use the storage. Single thread performance are not so high (will say: is low)!
The best thing is to try such an config.