I have this message in the task log on pbs :
i think the backup is ok , we see the the files, but at the end we have the message with the error 404 on client.log.blob.
We use the promox-backup-client for the backup off a physical server.
Is it a problem or not ?
24-01-09T06:00:08+01:00: GET /chunk
2024-01-09T06:00:08+01:00: download chunk "/mnt/datastore/Datastore1/.chunks/3efb/3efb5cf7f9d65ae3c6b215dab8efee97f9ab220b9ed82916f7319530a6dc4ed1"
2024-01-09T06:00:08+01:00: GET /download
2024-01-09T06:00:08+01:00: download "/mnt/datastore/Datastore1/ns/VM_toto_toto/host/totovm/2024-01-09T02:37:20Z/client.log.blob"
2024-01-09T06:00:08+01:00: GET /download: 404 Not Found: open file "/mnt/datastore/Datastore1/ns/toto/host/totovm/2024-01-09T02:37:20Z/client.log.blob" failed - not found
2024-01-09T06:00:08+01:00: reader finished successfully
2024-01-09T06:00:08+01:00: TASK OK
i think the backup is ok , we see the the files, but at the end we have the message with the error 404 on client.log.blob.
We use the promox-backup-client for the backup off a physical server.
Is it a problem or not ?