Running on Proxmox 7.4-16
The VM's on Rocky Linux 9.2
So far I could resize a VM's disk like described in:
so basically:
But on my Kubernetes worker node VMs the
Every command before seems to work, only the last command is causing trouble. Appreciate any help.
The VM's on Rocky Linux 9.2
So far I could resize a VM's disk like described in:
so basically:
# Enlarge the partition
parted /dev/sda
resizepart 2 100%
# Enlarge the file system
pvresize /dev/sda2
lvresize --extents +100%FREE --resizefs /dev/rl/root
But on my Kubernetes worker node VMs the
command is not working, it outputs the following:
LV /dev/mapper/rl-root mounted at / may have been renamed (from /dev/mapper/rl-root).
LV /dev/mapper/rl-root mounted at /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay may have been renamed (from /dev/mapper/rl-root).
LV /dev/mapper/rl-root mounted at /var/lib/kubelet/pods/43374cce-2fcc-4af9-8479-f30c5bb6d0ec/volume-subpaths/hooks-scripts/postgresql/1 may have been renamed (from /dev/mapper/rl-root).
LV /dev/mapper/rl-root mounted at /var/lib/kubelet/pods/43374cce-2fcc-4af9-8479-f30c5bb6d0ec/volume-subpaths/hooks-scripts/postgresql/2 may have been renamed (from /dev/mapper/rl-root).
LV /dev/mapper/rl-root mounted at /var/lib/kubelet/pods/5a76c0dd-5a63-4bac-a891-e1e335d62fb1/volume-subpaths/hooks-scripts/postgresql/1 may have been renamed (from /dev/mapper/rl-root).
File system resizing not supported: fs utilities do not support renamed devices.
Every command before seems to work, only the last command is causing trouble. Appreciate any help.