Hi have test box with proxmox 3.4 not going to 4 yet. but would like to know whether I should go lvm on ext4 with 6 disks or should I do zfs for 6 disks raid 10. Reason is for snapshots but also need good performance on containers.
Hi,Hi have test box with proxmox 3.4 not going to 4 yet. but would like to know whether I should go lvm on ext4 with 6 disks or should I do zfs for 6 disks raid 10. Reason is for snapshots but also need good performance on containers.
If you are using a SSD zil (log) much depends on the quality of this SSD. Not only pure read or write speed but also latency. For random writes latency is crucial and since zil is only random writes you need a certain kind of SSD which favors random writes. To improve read speed you should add a cache. This should be an SSD and since cache is read-cache this SSD should be optimized for fast reads.
Hi,Hi, I would love to setup a ZFS raid10 with 4 disks and SSD DC3710 (I've problems after boot, but is in another thread), but your message scares me! I've 32GB ram too.
Just for curiosity, what model of Areca card are you using? How did you set for ZFS to gain "direct access" to disks? Is that card well supported by Proxmox drivers or did you had to add more recent ones from the supplier site (if so, how did you "injected" during installation?), and what driver is it using? I was unable to make an Areca HBA 1320 work (lots of I/O errors, unusable).
Thanks a lot