DHCP with vxlan in pve 8.1.3


New Member
Nov 18, 2023

I'm testing the new SDN feature with some servers that are going in DC soon, I only get DHCP working with the simple zone.
I can recall that I read somewhere that it was only working with the simple zone, is that still true, and if so is there any idea when it will work with vxlan? like a month or like several months?
Or is there way to get it working with the config files?
It will implemented soon for other zone type.
For evpn (layer3 nework), some work need to be done to bind dnsmasq in different vrf.
for vlan/vxlan (layer2 network), We need some kind a /32 anycast ip inside the bridge. (still need some tests).

Nothing too difficult.

Personnally, I'll look at evpn first, as I need it in production. so maybe for next month.
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Hello :) Are there any new information on this?
I would like to use DHCP in the vxlans to distribute cross-node DHCP addresses to vms, which are located there together. So far I have an openwrt that does this.
It seems that in 8.2 there is still no "DHCP" option in neither EVPN nor VXLAN settings.
Is there any news on this or some scripting way to get the DHCP option to work with them?
ok, thank you.

For now, I worked around it by installing pfSense in a vm to provide a dhcp server to the evpn and vxlan networks.
I had to switch the network device type in the pfsense vm from virtio to "rtl8139". Afterwards the VMs on any proxmox host receive dhcp leases in both evpn and vxlan.
it's not yet ready, prelimary patches has been sent to the dev mailing list.

In 8.2.2 it is possible to define subnets and dhcp range) for the VLAN/VNet, but the VM do not get the Ip address from dhcp server. Its is correct for the current state-of-the-art? thank you
I can tell you how to use vxan with nat. To do this, you should create the configuration on the network interface directly, and not in the SDN. Be careful in this case with MTU. For snat and dnat I use port forwarding on interface

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
address network/24
bridge-ports vxlan_vmbr0
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
mtu 9000

auto vxlan_vmbr0
iface vxlan_vmbr0 inet manual
vxlan-id 2
mtu 9000
vxlan_remoteip first node
vxlan_remoteip two node
vxlan_remoteip next node
vxlan_remoteip last node
oh wow, finally found out about this. I've been cracking my head over trying to set DHCP on VLAN or VXLAN and why the vms and containers not getting any IPs. Turns out this was the feature that's lacking. Would anyone happen to know any roadmap on this please?