deny NIC to VM


New Member
Sep 6, 2023
Hi all,
I'm entirely new to Proxmox VE and I am looking to see if it can help me to solve a problem.

I want to set up a Proxmoxe VE cluster on three servers, each server has multiple NICs but we use 2: NIC1 is connected to WAN and NIC2 is connected to local LAN.
LAN and WAN are not connected (which means PCs on LAN can't reach WAN) and we want to maintain this.

The requirement is to have some VMs on the cluster that are connected on LAN and some on LAN and WAN.
Both situations can be managed depending on which NICs are attached to the VM on creation. Right?

The second question, the one I can't answer my own is: Can Proxmox admins delegate other users to create and run VMs that are NOT attached to WAN NIC?
There are some kinds of permissions that are related to a specific NIC?

Let me explain some use cases.

Normal users can create a run their own VMs that can reach and are reachable from the PC on LAN. But both PC and VM can't reach WAN.

Only the admins can create and run a VM that is attached to WAN.
Of course, this permits to admin to break the connection if LAN and WAN are not connected. But this is only for admins.

I hope I explained well enough the situation and you can help me find an answer...
