Hi everyone !
I already answered to a few thread, but this is the first time that I create a new on my own so sorry if I'm not in the good section, I searched a lot in the forum and didn't found a similar subject, again, sorry if there is one I didn't found...
I set up a PVE CEPH cluster, which by the way perform very well, there is a lot of great features, I use proxmox since years, I always liked it but now it's a new level, now you can say it's a product as good as very expensive commercials product, unless you take a high level of subscription, in that case, Promox stays great but isn't so cheap anymore... but it's another story... Anyway, I love its ton of functionalities, its stability, its maturity, and so on...
Well, I stop telling my life... the question is :
As I said everything is alright and work very well...( for now lol ?)
I added the CEPH pools and directly created the accordingly storages definitions thanks to the new functionality that allow to directly create it from the pool creation section.
The system creates a storage called "MyPool_VM" and "MyPool_CT", and you can see the name of objects (disks) directly in both the sections.
For the moment I only use KVM VMs but I soon will begin to use LXC too, I just feel not enough secure for now with it but it's again another story...
My issue is that some of my VMs are able to see that there is a disks with their ID name in both CEPH Storages and the CT version of my virtual(s) disk(s) show up in the VM config as unused disks in the same time that they appear correctly connected to the VM with the storage "MyPool_VM"... (weirdly, not all the VMs are concerned, some don't see it...)
Moreover at a moment I had to issue a "qm rescan" and the described situation has spread on almost over all the VMs (still very weird that not all VMs are concerned by this, it seem random to my eyes but there should be an explanation...)
Anyway, I don't know if I was clear in the description of my problem, I can post config files and/or screenshots if needed.
Thank you in advance for any answer,
Best regards,
I already answered to a few thread, but this is the first time that I create a new on my own so sorry if I'm not in the good section, I searched a lot in the forum and didn't found a similar subject, again, sorry if there is one I didn't found...
I set up a PVE CEPH cluster, which by the way perform very well, there is a lot of great features, I use proxmox since years, I always liked it but now it's a new level, now you can say it's a product as good as very expensive commercials product, unless you take a high level of subscription, in that case, Promox stays great but isn't so cheap anymore... but it's another story... Anyway, I love its ton of functionalities, its stability, its maturity, and so on...
Well, I stop telling my life... the question is :
As I said everything is alright and work very well...( for now lol ?)
I added the CEPH pools and directly created the accordingly storages definitions thanks to the new functionality that allow to directly create it from the pool creation section.
The system creates a storage called "MyPool_VM" and "MyPool_CT", and you can see the name of objects (disks) directly in both the sections.
For the moment I only use KVM VMs but I soon will begin to use LXC too, I just feel not enough secure for now with it but it's again another story...
My issue is that some of my VMs are able to see that there is a disks with their ID name in both CEPH Storages and the CT version of my virtual(s) disk(s) show up in the VM config as unused disks in the same time that they appear correctly connected to the VM with the storage "MyPool_VM"... (weirdly, not all the VMs are concerned, some don't see it...)
Moreover at a moment I had to issue a "qm rescan" and the described situation has spread on almost over all the VMs (still very weird that not all VMs are concerned by this, it seem random to my eyes but there should be an explanation...)
Anyway, I don't know if I was clear in the description of my problem, I can post config files and/or screenshots if needed.
Thank you in advance for any answer,
Best regards,