I have a cluster of 4 servers in one cluster. I have configured two rings as follows
Ring 1:
Ring 2:
Now I have connected all the servers using the following rule
eno1=>Switch1 => 10.10.11.X ( IP)
eno2=Switch 2=> 10.10.12.X (IP)
All servers are pinging to each other through both the rings
Since I have 4 servers so my quorum requirement is n/2+1 => 4/2+1 ==> 3 servers
Now by mistake two of the servers eno1 port (ie ring 0) port is disconnected but I do have eno2 cables connected and I am able to ping all servers. But pvecm status is giving error "Activity Blocked" and Quorate flag is missing
Expected Votes: 4
Available: 02
What could be the reason ??
Is it required that all ring0 address should first become unreachable then only ring1 addresses will be used by corosync
Ring 1:
Ring 2:
Now I have connected all the servers using the following rule
eno1=>Switch1 => 10.10.11.X ( IP)
eno2=Switch 2=> 10.10.12.X (IP)
All servers are pinging to each other through both the rings
Since I have 4 servers so my quorum requirement is n/2+1 => 4/2+1 ==> 3 servers
Now by mistake two of the servers eno1 port (ie ring 0) port is disconnected but I do have eno2 cables connected and I am able to ping all servers. But pvecm status is giving error "Activity Blocked" and Quorate flag is missing
Expected Votes: 4
Available: 02
What could be the reason ??
Is it required that all ring0 address should first become unreachable then only ring1 addresses will be used by corosync