Convert physical computer to proxmox.

One option would be to create VM with similar hardware and an empty virtual disk of matching size, then create an image file on block level with the tool of your choice (for example booting a clonezilla) and restore that image to the virtual disk. In case of Windows it might also be a good idea to install the virtio drivers and qemu guest agent first, so you can use virtio NICs and virtio SCSI.
Ive done this. First create and image of your machine. I use starwind converter physical to qcow2. install proxmox. The create a vm with same number of nic, ram and use sata as the hard disk otherwise you might get activation message. Choose host as cpu. Easier if you have 2 video card pass one through and leave one for host (just get an old vga card for proxmox). Use qm import to import the qcow2 image and attach the sata. Start the guest and you should not get the activation message. Install the guest tools and restart. Take a snapshot so you can revert. Switch the sata to SCSI for the hard disk controller. Restart and it should use the new disk without asking for activation.