I want to connect to my machine (currently PROXMOX on VM on my computer) through external VNC and not what's on the site.
When I send the following command to the REST API:
I receive the following information:
I got a bit stuck, what am I doing from here?
Does anyone know of a Python library or any other way to connect?
I want to connect to my machine (currently PROXMOX on VM on my computer) through external VNC and not what's on the site.
When I send the following command to the REST API:
I receive the following information:
{"data":{"ticket":"PVEVNC:5EB811CF::YTUMA1+n/HwCpsxnB[...]oMOI6yg==","upid":"UPID:pve:0[...]4:0[...]3:5[...]F:vncproxy:100:root@pam:","port":"5900","user":"root@pam","cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\\nMIIFzTCCA7WgAwIBAg[...]AC\\n9CJQ+5Yunc45UtlEHzafpX/Aj33w+U4X\\n1g==\\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\\n"}}
I got a bit stuck, what am I doing from here?
Does anyone know of a Python library or any other way to connect?