Configure PBS Client to use HTTP proxy to reach the PBS Server


Oct 25, 2021
Palma, Mallorca, Spain
Hello everyone!

I am trying to use proxmox-backup-client in a Debian Bullseye LXC in a Proxmox 7 cluster to manually back up a folder (/var/backups/postgresql/) inside such LXC to a Proxmox Backup Server 7 which is in a separate server in a separate network I don't have access to from inside the LXC.

In the Proxmox 7 cluster there is a Tinyproxy HTTP/HTTPS proxy for LXC to use when in need to access the Internet (e.g. download something via wget or similar). I have been trying to find a way to configure Proxmox Backup Client to use such proxy, or a proxy, but without luck (I have only been able to find the proxy configuration of the Proxmox Backup Server itself).

Is there a way to tell proxmox-backup-client to access the Internet through a proxy?
no, that's not implemented yet (I guess something like a SOCKS proxy could work?). the client needs HTTP2 support as well, not sure whether your proxy supports that?

in any case, couldn't you juse use vzdump on the PVE host to backup the container?
Hi, Fabian, and thanks for your reply.

Yes, I could just use vzdump and back up the whole LXC. The problem is that not all databases are worth backing up (and I like storing database dumps, too) and also that not all my containers are on ZFS, so I cannot take snapshots but I need to suspend them instead.

I am using Tinyproxy at the moment which only supports HTTP/1.1. But I could just install any other proxy if that were to solve the problem.

No worries, then. I'll give Borg Backup or similar tools a try for the containers with the database servers, see if it works out, and keep using PVE's integration with PBS for those containers I want to back up fully. And try to move more LXC to ZFS-based storages as well.

A pity, though, I really wanted to stick to PBS only for the whole needs of the cluster. Any ticket in bugzilla I can vote up for the feature to be implemented? Do you guys have in mind your own Proxmox Backup Proxy solution for scenarios like mine, where guests/machines don't have access to the outside network?
you can file a bugzilla feature request :)