i can't connect my proxmox cluster (two pice of hardware) via WebGUI (https://my-ip) SSH login to pve and also to pve0 works proper
i have search arround here at the forum, found some pices like this
I use systemctl to test, and i see
OK, i look to pve-manager.service
what do i have to do to get my GUI back?
i can't connect my proxmox cluster (two pice of hardware) via WebGUI (https://my-ip) SSH login to pve and also to pve0 works proper
i have search arround here at the forum, found some pices like this
I use systemctl to test, and i see
root@pve:~# systemctl restart pve-manager
Failed to restart pve-manager.service: Operation refused, unit pve-guests.service may be requested by dependency only (it is configured to refuse manual start/stop).
See system logs and 'systemctl status pve-manager.service' for details.
root@pve:~# systemctl status pve-manager.service
● pve-guests.service - PVE guests
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/pve-guests.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Mon 2022-11-28 15:26:04 CET; 19h ago
Process: 1100 ExecStartPre=/usr/share/pve-manager/helpers/pve-startall-delay (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 1101 ExecStart=/usr/bin/pvesh --nooutput create /nodes/localhost/startall (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 1101 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CPU: 1.458s
Nov 28 15:25:53 pve systemd[1]: Starting PVE guests...
Nov 28 15:25:54 pve pve-guests[1101]: <root@pam> starting task UPID:pve:0000044E:0000154A:6384C4F2:startall::root@pam:
Nov 28 15:25:54 pve pvesh[1101]: waiting for quorum ...
Nov 28 15:26:04 pve pvesh[1101]: got quorum
Nov 28 15:26:04 pve pve-guests[1101]: <root@pam> end task UPID:pve:0000044E:0000154A:6384C4F2:startall::root@pam: OK
Nov 28 15:26:04 pve systemd[1]: Finished PVE guests.
root@pve:~# systemctl status pve-guests.service
● pve-guests.service - PVE guests
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/pve-guests.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Mon 2022-11-28 15:26:04 CET; 19h ago
Process: 1100 ExecStartPre=/usr/share/pve-manager/helpers/pve-startall-delay (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 1101 ExecStart=/usr/bin/pvesh --nooutput create /nodes/localhost/startall (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 1101 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CPU: 1.458s
Nov 28 15:25:53 pve systemd[1]: Starting PVE guests...
Nov 28 15:25:54 pve pve-guests[1101]: <root@pam> starting task UPID:pve:0000044E:0000154A:6384C4F2:startall::root@pam:
Nov 28 15:25:54 pve pvesh[1101]: waiting for quorum ...
Nov 28 15:26:04 pve pvesh[1101]: got quorum
Nov 28 15:26:04 pve pve-guests[1101]: <root@pam> end task UPID:pve:0000044E:0000154A:6384C4F2:startall::root@pam: OK
Nov 28 15:26:04 pve systemd[1]: Finished PVE guests.
OK, i look to pve-manager.service
root@pve:~# systemctl status pve-manager.service
● pve-guests.service - PVE guests
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/pve-guests.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Mon 2022-11-28 15:26:04 CET; 19h ago
Process: 1100 ExecStartPre=/usr/share/pve-manager/helpers/pve-startall-delay (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 1101 ExecStart=/usr/bin/pvesh --nooutput create /nodes/localhost/startall (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 1101 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CPU: 1.458s
Nov 28 15:25:53 pve systemd[1]: Starting PVE guests...
Nov 28 15:25:54 pve pve-guests[1101]: <root@pam> starting task UPID:pve:0000044E:0000154A:6384C4F2:startall::root@pam:
Nov 28 15:25:54 pve pvesh[1101]: waiting for quorum ...
Nov 28 15:26:04 pve pvesh[1101]: got quorum
Nov 28 15:26:04 pve pve-guests[1101]: <root@pam> end task UPID:pve:0000044E:0000154A:6384C4F2:startall::root@pam: OK
Nov 28 15:26:04 pve systemd[1]: Finished PVE guests.
what do i have to do to get my GUI back?