Can't connect to web gui from windows


New Member
Mar 17, 2022
I've experienced a problem connecting to web gui form windows 10/11. I'm using right ip to connect (https and 8006 port). It is fresh installation of proxmox on dell 7010sff.
PVE machine is connected to router (netgear r6220) by wire. It is strange because i can connect from android phone in same network.

I don't have any proxys configured and ports seems to be open. Maybe there is important windows setting?

Any ideas what is wrong or what should i configure more to make it work?

Thanks in advance,
greetings from Poland :D
Hi Hubo,

First easy troubleshooting would include pinging the host, making sure that they are on the same network, trying another web-browser, making sure that there are no firewall rules on your Windows machine preventing connectivity, and maybe trying another PC.
  • On Windows CMD: ipconfig /all
    On PVE Console: ip a
    Are they on the same subnet with the same gateway?
  • ping ip of the PVE node from the Windows machine
    ping IP of Windows machine from PVE
  • Try another web browser, verify it was the same IP that you pinged.
  • Look for outbound FW rules in Windows
  • Try another machine
If any of those steps fails, then you will need to figure out why. If they are on different subnets, then reconfigure one or the other machine, if they can't ping, identify why the network is not permitting it, if your browser still won't reach https://ip:8006 then try another browser, if another browser fails, then try another PC, if another PC fails, retry previous steps, if another PC works, look at firewall rules on the original PC.


Thanks for reply!

Unfortunately nothing above works. Tried different web-browsers with same issue.

Today I've reinstalled proxmox and assigned different ip adress in installation. It seems like IP i used before was kind of in use and that was the problem.

With different ip address i can access web gui with no issue. I consider this problem solved and topic can be closed.

Have a nice day! :D