Cannot find network interfaces enp2s0 and enp3s0


New Member
Aug 21, 2023
I set a dns name with duck dns to my ip address and it worked fine a while them I could not got to the web ui anymore. I could not ssh to the server either. I accessed directly the server and I discover that my two network interfaces where missing and vmbr is still there but gave an error as there is no master providing the connection to it.

systemctl status network: Unit network.service could not be found

ip a: show lo vmbr and wlx76012d837500 but not the interfaces enp2s0 and enp3s0

cat /etc/network/interfaces: shows the 2 interfaces and enp3s0 master of vmbr0

what to here, can someone please help???


can you check if the interface names shown in ip a match the ones in /etc/network/interfaces?
Hello @Hannes Laimer thanks for the reply. ip a does not shows the interfaces, it just shows my usb wifi NIC, lo and vmbr0 and on /etc/network/interfaces it shows all those and also enp2s0 and enp3s0, I have looked everywhere but it seems that the best solution is to start in proxmox in recovery mode and grab the modules needed from there but I am not to advanced to do that I tried but didn't know how to do it? Any suggestions?
Is there a chance you recently did an update? Could you check dmesg | grep -i <interface_name>, this should show any kernel messages related to the network interface. udevadm trigger should automatically detect and load the right modules, also try rebooting your systems, after a kernel upgrade(assuming you did one) a reboot is necessary.