can not reach samba on network, runing on lxc centos


New Member
Jul 1, 2020

I am very new with Proxmox and never set up any server in it before. Hope you could give some light to my eyes.

Have proxmox with a lxc container with centos 8 and samba server installed. All configuration was done, users created, group created, associated every samba share folder to group, asociated users with samba, /etc/samba/smb.conf adapted to match with our LAN's workgroup.. All seems fine. systemctl status smb return active and waiting connections..

Here are a Win7 pc in the same lan, trying to connect to these shared folders, but I can not see the server on lan machines.. they are at same workgroup but lxc properly as a machine name is not found..
And if I try to connect from explorer tab to \\ or \\\proyectos, it ask me a credentials that never match neither root or any user from the server

Tryied to ping lxc's ip (, done ok. ssh connect without problem from win7 putty, apache server in lxc is running website ok from win7 browser... but can not make it show to the rest of pc of the lan in it's OS file browser, nothing on Network pc's list..

I was guessing I forgot something, maybe related with proxmox container (lxc parent) configuration about samba, but it is being very difficult to my find a working solution..

cifs was enabled from GUI on lxc (I don't know if neccesary, did nothing more in proxmox level to this)

from proxmox terminal teshave these result, each folder that must be reached from all lan pc (usually in our samba not-proxmoxed centos under a machine name defined in smb.conf)

root@proxmox:~# pvesm scan cifs

the samba config file is like this

workgroup = MULTIMEDIA
server string = Samba Server %v
netbios name = servidor-linux
security = user
map to guest = bad user
dns proxy = no
interfaces =
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log

path = /var/samba/proyectos
writeable = yes
printable = no
valid users = produccion, administracion, comercial, marketing
;create mask = 0660
;force create mode = 0660
;directory mask = 2770
;force directory mode = 2770

and thus for each directory listed in last command..

It may be a samba related problem, I don't know, but since the same (but older) config in a not-proxmoxed centos is working in our lan now and searching info generally in each post seems assumed that you install samba and it's reached at least from outside, maybe here coud receive some help
Sorry if it is not the right place to expose this problem

well I was about 1 hour writting this, doing some test meanwhile, and discover that when I try connect from PC or do the pvesm scan cifs command in proxmox, in /etc/samba on lxc is creating a log with each ip or machine name, but empty content. But this seem that at least the communication reach the server.. What a pain :) ...

Edit: Centos container it's a privileged lxc container

Thanks in advice for your time
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CentOS and smaba are not part of Proxmox VE.
I guess you should ask in a forum related to these topics to get an answer.