for PVE itself, if you want to restore it as-is you also need
- /var/lib/pve-cluster (and not /etc/pve, as that is just the mounted version of the DB there - you still might want to keep /etc/pve backed up in case you want to restore individual files from there for some reason)
- any systemd units created by PVE
- any customization you did outside of that
for Ceph you need way more than just the OSDs, they are just the "data stores", you also need monitors and their state, and possibly more, depending on your setup.
the easiest way to achieve what you want is to backup the guests on your old cluster, re-create your config parts that makes sense on the new cluster, and restore the guests there. especially if old and new are different hardware, since then you can re-do your steps if something fails or try a different approach.