AMD Ryzen 7 Proxmox reboot


New Member
May 8, 2019
Hello everyone,

I have an dedicated machine who has the following specs:

AMD Ryzen 7 1800X CPU
16GiB of DDR4 RAM
Asus Motherboard
Dedicated Fujitsu Intel GPU

The problem is that it suddenly reboots without any reason. There are no power outages, or issues related to the electrical instalation. It keeps rebooting at random hours in day, most of times at the night, I checked the log and the last opperation that it runs before the reboot it's Proxmox Replication Runner, that start from minute to minute. I checked the heating, it's ok, there are no issues with the cooling system. I've updated at the last version available, Virtual Environment 6.1-3, and it keeps rebooting. I disabled watchdog, I checked the RAM Memory, there are no errors. If I put another OS like Windows Server, or Ubuntu, it runs 24/7, but when I put Proxmox, it takes it to the oil way...

Any advice how to solve the problem?


I had similar problemas with one of the 3 AMD "servers" and it was a hardware problem as some memory does not work well with overclock profile.

I also noticed that GeForce display cards are better supported.

See if you find any "errors" in dmesg and / or syslog.

Best regards,

Ricardo Jorge
In my case I also have the reboots out of the blue, see topic. I have you found any solution?
Nope, didn't solved the problem. Just changed the server with an Intel one, and the problem was "solved". Took the AMD back as desktop, and this is it.

After 3 days of searching the internet finding the issue, I've gave up.
Nope, didn't solved the problem. Just changed the server with an Intel one, and the problem was "solved". Took the AMD back as desktop, and this is it.

After 3 days of searching the internet finding the issue, I've gave up.
Thanks for the reply, I'll continue my quest on finding a solution/workaround that makes it manageable.