Am I setting up storage correctly?


New Member
Apr 20, 2020

That's an overview of my architecture. Toe is a server I use to achieve quorum but I'm not sure if I even need it for that, but that's not the point of this post. I'm concerned about the shared storage volume (DELL MD3420). As you'll see below, I'm not sure if I have my LVM configuration set up correctly. Tic and Tac can access the same volumes, but they don't update in real time.

Here is my configuration from the web interface:


shared-storage1 is sda/sdc in the above and proxmox-data is sdb/sdd.

root@tac:/# pvs
  PV                                            VG              Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree   
  /dev/mapper/3600a098000e05de6000004b95d97ed71 shared-storage1 lvm2 a--    5.43t    4.63t
  /dev/mapper/3600a098000e05de6000004bc5d97ed72 shared-storage2 lvm2 a--    5.43t <131.57g
  /dev/sde3                                     pve             lvm2 a--  223.00g  <16.00g
root@tac:/# vgs
  VG              #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree   
  pve               1   3   0 wz--n- 223.00g  <16.00g
  shared-storage1   1  16   0 wz--n-   5.43t    4.63t
  shared-storage2   1   1   0 wz--n-   5.43t <131.57g
root@tac:/# lvs
  LV            VG              Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  data          pve             twi-aotz-- 140.39g             0.00   1.14                           
  root          pve             -wi-ao----  55.75g                                                   
  swap          pve             -wi-ao----   8.00g                                                   
  vm-100-disk-0 shared-storage1 -wi-a-----  40.00g                                                   
  . . .                                           
  vm-114-disk-0 shared-storage1 -wi-a-----  40.00g                                                   
  vm-115-disk-0 shared-storage1 -wi-ao----   8.00g                                                   
  proxmox-data  shared-storage2 -wi-ao----   5.30t

The output of those LVM commands are the same on my other server, tic, except for the "lvs" command.
root@tic:/etc/lvm# lvs
  LV            VG              Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  data          pve             twi-a-tz-- 140.39g             0.00   1.14                           
  root          pve             -wi-ao----  55.75g                                                   
  swap          pve             -wi-ao----   8.00g                                                   
  vm-100-disk-0 shared-storage1 -wi-------  40.00g                                                   
  . . .                                                   
  vm-114-disk-0 shared-storage1 -wi-ao----  40.00g                                                   
  vm-115-disk-0 shared-storage1 -wi-------   8.00g                                                   
  proxmox-data  shared-storage2 -wi-ao----   5.30t

Tic doesn't have the a in the 5th attribute spot.

Some other relevant commands:

root@tac:/# multipath -ll
3600a098000e05de6000004bc5d97ed72 dm-7 DELL,MD34xx
size=5.4T features='3 queue_if_no_path pg_init_retries 50' hwhandler='1 rdac' wp=rw
|-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=14 status=active
| `- 0:0:1:1  sdd 8:48 active ready running
`-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=9 status=enabled
  `- 0:0:0:1  sdb 8:16 active ready running
3600a098000e05de6000004b95d97ed71 dm-6 DELL,MD34xx
size=5.4T features='3 queue_if_no_path pg_init_retries 50' hwhandler='1 rdac' wp=rw
|-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=14 status=active
| `- 0:0:0:0  sda 8:0  active ready running
`-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=9 status=enabled
  `- 0:0:1:0  sdc 8:32 active ready running

root@tic:/etc/lvm# multipath -ll
3600a098000e05de6000004bc5d97ed72 dm-6 DELL,MD34xx
size=5.4T features='3 queue_if_no_path pg_init_retries 50' hwhandler='1 rdac' wp=rw
|-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=14 status=active
| `- 0:0:3:1  sdb 8:16 active ready running
`-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=9 status=enabled
  `- 0:0:2:1  sdd 8:48 active ready running
3600a098000e05de6000004b95d97ed71 dm-5 DELL,MD34xx
size=5.4T features='3 queue_if_no_path pg_init_retries 50' hwhandler='1 rdac' wp=rw
|-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=14 status=active
| `- 0:0:2:0  sdc 8:32 active ready running
`-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=9 status=enabled
  `- 0:0:3:0  sda 8:0  active ready running

root@tac:/# lsblk
NAME                                  MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINT
sda                                     8:0    0   5.4T  0 disk 
└─3600a098000e05de6000004b95d97ed71   253:6    0   5.4T  0 mpath
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--106--disk--0 253:8    0    20G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--107--disk--0 253:9    0   100G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--108--disk--0 253:10   0    50G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--100--disk--0 253:11   0    40G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--100--disk--1 253:12   0    40G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--101--disk--0 253:13   0    40G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--102--disk--0 253:14   0    50G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--103--disk--0 253:15   0    50G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--109--disk--0 253:16   0    20G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--110--disk--0 253:17   0    50G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--111--disk--0 253:18   0   100G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--112--disk--0 253:19   0   100G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--113--disk--0 253:20   0     8G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--114--disk--0 253:21   0    40G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--104--disk--0 253:22   0   100G  0 lvm   
  └─shared--storage1-vm--115--disk--0 253:23   0     8G  0 lvm   
sdb                                     8:16   0   5.4T  0 disk 
└─3600a098000e05de6000004bc5d97ed72   253:7    0   5.4T  0 mpath
  └─shared--storage2-proxmox--data    253:24   0   5.3T  0 lvm   /proxmox-data
sdc                                     8:32   0   5.4T  0 disk 
└─3600a098000e05de6000004b95d97ed71   253:6    0   5.4T  0 mpath
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--106--disk--0 253:8    0    20G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--107--disk--0 253:9    0   100G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--108--disk--0 253:10   0    50G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--100--disk--0 253:11   0    40G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--100--disk--1 253:12   0    40G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--101--disk--0 253:13   0    40G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--102--disk--0 253:14   0    50G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--103--disk--0 253:15   0    50G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--109--disk--0 253:16   0    20G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--110--disk--0 253:17   0    50G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--111--disk--0 253:18   0   100G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--112--disk--0 253:19   0   100G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--113--disk--0 253:20   0     8G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--114--disk--0 253:21   0    40G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--104--disk--0 253:22   0   100G  0 lvm   
  └─shared--storage1-vm--115--disk--0 253:23   0     8G  0 lvm   
sdd                                     8:48   0   5.4T  0 disk 
└─3600a098000e05de6000004bc5d97ed72   253:7    0   5.4T  0 mpath
  └─shared--storage2-proxmox--data    253:24   0   5.3T  0 lvm   /proxmox-data
sde                                     8:64   0 223.5G  0 disk 
. . .

root@tic:/etc/lvm# lsblk
NAME                                  MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINT
sda                                     8:0    0   5.4T  0 disk 
└─3600a098000e05de6000004b95d97ed71   253:5    0   5.4T  0 mpath
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--100--disk--0 253:9    0    30G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--107--disk--0 253:10   0   100G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--112--disk--0 253:14   0   100G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--102--disk--0 253:16   0    50G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--109--disk--0 253:18   0    20G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--111--disk--0 253:19   0   100G  0 lvm   
  └─shared--storage1-vm--114--disk--0 253:22   0    40G  0 lvm   
sdb                                     8:16   0   5.4T  0 disk 
└─3600a098000e05de6000004bc5d97ed72   253:6    0   5.4T  0 mpath
  └─shared--storage2-proxmox--data    253:13   0   5.3T  0 lvm   /proxmox-data
sdc                                     8:32   0   5.4T  0 disk 
└─3600a098000e05de6000004b95d97ed71   253:5    0   5.4T  0 mpath
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--100--disk--0 253:9    0    30G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--107--disk--0 253:10   0   100G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--112--disk--0 253:14   0   100G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--102--disk--0 253:16   0    50G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--109--disk--0 253:18   0    20G  0 lvm   
  ├─shared--storage1-vm--111--disk--0 253:19   0   100G  0 lvm   
  └─shared--storage1-vm--114--disk--0 253:22   0    40G  0 lvm   
sdd                                     8:48   0   5.4T  0 disk 
└─3600a098000e05de6000004bc5d97ed72   253:6    0   5.4T  0 mpath
  └─shared--storage2-proxmox--data    253:13   0   5.3T  0 lvm   /proxmox-data
sde                                     8:64   0 223.5G  0 disk 
. . .

I know that's a lot of information, but I'm pretty new to this and just want to make sure I have it set up correctly. As of right now VMs work fine and can be migrated between Tic and Tac, but the "proxmox-data" LVM isn't updating on both nodes even though they are both connected to it. The only way it works is if I reboot the host and then everything is updated.

Thanks in advance.
As of right now VMs work fine and can be migrated between Tic and Tac, but the "proxmox-data" LVM isn't updating on both nodes even though they are both connected to it. The only way it works is if I reboot the host and then everything is updated.

You cannot use a shared LUN on multiple hosts without a proper cluster filesystem like OCFS2.
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You cannot use a shared LUN on multiple hosts without a proper cluster filesystem like OCFS2.
So you are saying that the LUN that has an shared LVM needs a different filesystem? But the other volume (sda/sdc, shared-storage1) is fine?


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