windows server 2016

  1. D

    Migrated VMware W Server 2016 issues with Ballooning Memory

    Greetings everyone. I know this topic has been discussed a couple of times, however none of the solutions provided has worked with my configuration. The machine was originally imported from EXSi and it currently is 100% operative. My only issue is that the proxmox monitor is unable to read...
  2. S

    Windows Server & OMV Zusammenführung in Proxmox und Auslagerung dedicated server

    Hallo liebes Forum! ich habe mal eine kurze frage. Ich betreibe z.Z. einen Windows Server 2016 und 1 OpenmediaVault (OMV) NAS, welches für meine Medien-Dateien, Dokumenten und Downloads als Datengrab, sowie z.Z. auch als Teamspeak, Ark Survival Evolved- und Space Engineers-Dedicated Server...
  3. M

    Windows Server 2016 - Proxmox 7.3-3 - Impossible to install Virtio Drivers

    Hi, As the title states, I tried installing virtio drivers from versions virtio-win-0.1.137 to virtio-win-0.1.185, each time on fresh install. They all report the same thing, "windows cannot verify digital signature"... Which leads me to believe that the virtio drivers were signed with a newer...
  4. E

    Windows Server 2016 reboots for no reason on PVE 7.3-3

    Hi, I'm experiencing problems with fresh installed Windows Server 2016 guest VM on Proxmox 7.3. It hangs and reboot for no reason, while there's nothing in its logs. The ISO file used is a genuine one from Microsoft. I've latest VirtIO drivers installed. The VM's installed on thin-lvm and has...
  5. T

    Windows Server Backup Shows 20+GiB dirty between backups within a couple hours!

    Hi Everyone, Something startling has occurred that I cannot seem to figure out. While reviewing backup logs, a specific Windows Server was backing up more data than expected, so I manually ran my backup task to PBS before today's nightly backup. After a successful backup of 170GiBs, I noticed...
  6. E

    Windows server 2016 memory usage display

    Hello! I have a windows server 2016 vm in proxmox, with 16gb of memory, installed the ballooning service which is running, but the used memory displayed by proxmox is very high (about 12gb), but in the task manager the used memory is only 3gb. Nothing happens if I stop or restart the ballooning...
  7. F

    Windows server 2016 : PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA PROCEXP141.SYS failed

    Hello, I sometimes, but quite often, have this blue screen with stop code PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA with PROCEXP141.SYS failed, starting a Windows 2016 server VM. I have tried to run these vm on another server, and have the same problem. What can I do ? Thank you for any help, Hervé
  8. M

    VM Disk verliert Partitions

    Eine Windows Server 2016 Installation verliert regelmäßig den Partition Table. Beobachtet habe ich das jeweils während des Backups. Wir verwenden einen externen CEPH Cluster. Mit dem Proxmox CEPH hatte ich dasselbe Problem, deshalb habe ich die Disks auf ein anderes Storage migriert. Für das...
  9. T

    [SOLVED] New Windows Server 2016 VM

    I dont have any internet on my VM at all. If someone gonna ask for like configs etc give the command line too Brand new to the OS and ned to linux. ofc i know some basic stuff but it depends on what i need to do.
  10. W

    VM not loading drive

    I've created a new VM with SCSI controller drive as know SCSI is faster and better then IDE and SATA and selected the 2nd drive attached the server /dev/sdb instead of /dev/sda then loaded the server to install Windows server 2016 however on initial setup the windows can't locate and load the...
  11. A

    [SOLVED] VM shutdown restults in timeout

    Hi everyone, I have a problem with VM shutdowns, specificaly Windows Server 2016 VMs. When I use the shutdown button in the Web UI, sometimes Server 2016 shuts down without issue, but other times Proxmox gets Error "TASK ERROR: VM quit/powerdown failed - got timeout". After following this wiki...
  12. M

    Can't install Windows Server 2016

    Hello everyone, somehow I can't install a Windows Server 2016 VM. After 33% of copying files, I get an "io-error" in relation with storage. I think it might be that I only have 18GB max of local node(?) storage availabe (VM has 1TB, got a total of 1.87TB of storage in RAID 1). I have almost...
  13. Z

    [SOLVED] windows server suddenly stop!?

    Hello, I'm using KVM to run VM, i'm facing suddenly stopping of multi-VM of windows server with no logs or case of error in GUI,so how can i debug and find logs of that vm, i try to change to another node or backup & restore but still the same.
  14. C

    Windows Server als File-Server-VM sehr langsam

    Ich habe folgendes Problem mit meiner Windows-Server-VM und hatte gehofft, dass man mir hier vielleicht helfen könne: Ein Speedtest der Festplatten-Geschwindigkeit in der Windows-Server-VM zeigt mir sehr schnelle R/W Speeds an. Wenn ich dies jedoch mit einer anderen VM teste und auf das...
  15. R

    Proxmox Windows Server 2016 VM

    Hallo, ich möchte gerne eine VM mit Windows server 2016 installieren. Mein Server hat zwei SSDs im Raid. Für die Festplatte nutze ich qcow2 aber was ist das beste IDE, SATA or Virtio? Sollte man discard aktivieren oder aus lassen? Ich habe kein LVM Speicher. Danke für jede Antwort, da ich...
  16. C

    Blue screen with 5.1

    Hi, I'm running a small lab at home (old PC hardware, no special server hardware). Until yesterday I used version 5.0, today I did an inplace upgrade to version 5.1. Since version 5.1 my server 2016 VMs are getting blue screens (server 2016 core and 2016 with GUI). With 5.0 everything ran...
  17. L

    shrinking partition in Windows then logical volume accordingly

    If I make a lv bigger, then it's easy to also make it bigger in the vm (Windows Server 2016) with disk management. Windows will make use of all the available space and that's that. But if I do it the other way around and shirnk the partition within the vm and then reduce the lv, I won't be able...
  18. I

    USB Passthru to Windows 2016

    On a test server I've install ProxMox 4.4, and created a Windows 2016 virtual machine. I want to plug a USB Drive in the host and passthru to the guest. What I did was..... lsusb to find the vendor ID and product ID Then in the qm monitor I did device_add...
  19. N

    GPU PCI passthrough

    Hey guys I have a problem with the PCI passthrough function. I followed the steps from this tutorial ( I also tried to fix the problem by following the instructions from this video (). Without any success. First of all the system configuration...
  20. F

    Windows Server 2016 KVM

    Hallo Community Ich habe mir einen Windows Server 2016 installiert. Nun ist mein Problem, dass ich mit der Maus im "noVNC" nicht klicken kann. Ich kann zum Teil auch die Windows Taste nicht benötigen. Habe ich vergessen irgendwelche Einstellungen zu treffen, oder muss ich Treiber installiert...