windows 10 pro

  1. U

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 (1809): nested virtualization does not work

    In order to run Docker for Windows, I'm trying to setup nested virtualization for a Windows 10 guest on our up to date 5.3-11 installation. I've followed the wiki describing the required steps and I've searched both the net and the forum, but...
  2. D

    Win10 VM hangs & memory usage reporting seems off.

    I have a Win10 VM moved over from an ESXi install (used clonezilla backup and restore) an I noticed that overnight when I go back to connect via RDP it's non responsive. At the console the screen paints up as expected... but again non responsive. When I for a Reset of the VM it comes up fine...
  3. J

    Clone Windows 10 PRO VM with PVE 5

    Hi, I have created a virtual machine of windows 10 pro that works perfectly. I have cloned this machine with the same parameters and it gives me the error. Any idea where to look for a solution? Thank you very much.