
  1. P

    PBS Storage / Disks mount/unmount buttons

    Hi, I would like to suggest/request an improvement to the UI for the Storage / Disks. Can two buttons be added to the action bar for Disks to mount and unmount the selected disk? The use case for this would be for removable media. The Disks are setup as Directory entries with ext4...
  2. R

    fqdn help

    I've got my proxmox server up and running, and have all the settings correct to use a fqdn on my lan using a domain I own. But, while all other servers on my network can be reached using their respective fqdn addresses, proxmox will not show the gui using its one. I have also set iptables -t nat...
  3. O

    Server geht nicht mehr nach cluster

    Also... Ich habe einen Proxmox Server gemacht für jellyfin und overseer (alleshat Danach funktioniert)daraufhin dachte ich, das ist gut. Wäre für andere Projecte, dass ich einen anderen Computer verwende. Also habe ich das gemacht, Ich habe auf einem anderen Computer proxmox installiert und...
  4. T

    [SOLVED] Verbugte WebUI / LXC kann nicht mehr erstellt werden

    Servus, ich hab seit neustem das Problem, das ich keine LXC Container mehr per GUI erstellen kann. Problem ist btw. Browser unabhängig. Die WebUI sieht dann immer so aus: und in der Konsole hab ich folgende Fehlermeldung: Ich hab schon mit dem Befehlen versucht das Problem zu beheben aber...
  5. D

    Allow 1 user per VLAN

    Alright to start off, i have 1 physical server, and lets say 1 interface for now. I run pfSense before the physical proxmox server with the LAN ip of Also in pfSense i did create vlans and added them as interface. In proxmox i did also create VLANs. now my webui runs on...
  6. R

    [SOLVED] Broken WebUI after upgrading pve-container

    Hello everyone, after doing some miscellaneous work we were upgrading systemd via WebUI and pve-container via console (both only on node1 of a two nodes setup), we are now using the following setup (node1): proxmox-ve: 7.2-1 (running kernel: 5.15.30-2-pve) pve-manager: 7.4-17 (running version...
  7. M

    WebGui nicht erreichbar

    Hallo zusammen. Ich kann aus irgendeinem Grund die WebGui meines PBS nicht erreichen. Ich habe bereits einige Threads nach Lösungen durchforstet, leider fehlt mir aber das nötige Fachwissen, um etwas mit denen anfangen zu können. Danke schonmal im vorraus für die Hilfe. MFG
  8. W

    [SOLVED] pve webui and ssh not working

    I did not work on my PVE for 6 months and found it with this broken webui and ssh access. I might be the cause of this issue due to changes back in the day but I do not remember. Anyway, the first pve7.3 install did work and since this is a clean new server I reinstalled proxmox 7.3. However...
  9. J

    How to manage PAM Users on Proxmox Cluster

    Hello everyone, I have a question about whats the best was to manage User, specifically PAM users on a Proxmox Cluster. Say I have a Proxmox Cluster and a Loadbalancer for the WebUI. When I would try to login into the WebUI via PAM I don't know which node I am currently connected. I know that...
  10. V

    [SOLVED] Web UI doesn't work when PCIe card connected

    Hello all! I did a fresh install of Proxmox VE 7.4 (and now also tried with 8.0) on a single Intel Optane P1600X SSD. After installing, I am able to access the web UI at Everything works fine, no problems. But when I install a PCIe add-on card with two more identical...
  11. R

    [SOLVED] WebUI 'Login' button unresponsive - SSH works

    Hi all, Today i was unable to login on my PVE box. Login button is unresponsive. Tested on PC / Mobile devices. SSH works fine. (VM's on box running fine) Tried so far: Restarting services reboot Upgrade from SSH / command line - apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade If anyone could point...
  12. N

    [SOLVED] WebUI PAM Zugang Einschränken / WebUI restrict PAM (root) Login

    Hallo zusammen, Ich möchte die WebUI über VPN für andere Erreichbar machen, damit diese Ihre VMs selbst verwalten können. Nun hab ich mir die Frage gestellt, ob es denn möglich ist den Root Zugriff auf die WebUI nur in einem bestimmten Netzwerk zuzulassen? Heimnetz: Root kann sich anmelden...
  13. H

    2 node cluster with quorum - access to WebUI

    I currently have a 2 node cluster with one quorum device set up. In terms of high availability of the VMs, everything works fine when powering off one node. The only thing that I see in that failure event is that the WebUI of the second (available) node is not showing any content anymore. Is...
  14. F

    [SOLVED] Unable to login to my web UI (TFA)

    Hello Everyone, I was trying to disable my 2FA and there was a check box to enable and I checked it off. when I tried to log in again it still asks me for the TOTP code But I am unable to write anything. So I am locked out of the Web UI but I still have my SSH connection working. I found a...
  15. S

    Failed to start PVE API Proxy Server can't acquire lock '/var/run/pveproxy/pveproxy.pid.lock

    Hello My server ran some years without trouble but now I am facing a problem which I don't know how to resolve. I firstly noticed backup was buggued, with a task stucked for 2 months now. When I killed it manually by web interface I have just wait to see if the server would get it working the...
  16. F

    [SOLVED] Can't login to webui: Network error or Proxmox VE services not running?

    Hi, after rebooting my main node I've been unable to login to the webui, i get "Network error or Proxmox VE services not running?". I've checked other threads here and have followed them to no avail. My setup consists of two nodes. I can login to the secondary node, but nothing shows and i get...
  17. B

    [SOLVED] Webui unreachable after adding nvme drive

    I just went through this issue and thought I should share. This seems more like a motherboard issue than a proxmox/networking one but I'm pretty inexperienced w/ linux. TL/DR: adding second nvme drive to server caused the network interface names to change by +1 each making the webui unreachable...
  18. M

    Network access to WebUi trough zerotier

    Hi and let me start off by saying this product is awesome Here comes the tricky part, im currently in the process of trying to configure WebUi access to proxmox over Zerotier i have successfully setup everything to run a node and its fine n dandy, my whole setup is tapped up to the zerotier...
  19. V

    PVE 6.3 the storage size was displayed incorrectly.

    After adding Proxmox Backup Server 1.0-6 to the Proxmox VE 6.3-3 cluster, the storage size was incorrectly displayed. The final size is too large due to the number of servers in the cluster, to each of which the Proxmox Backup Server is "connected".
  20. N

    Webui not loading

    I have tried everything that I can think of. I recently installed pve 6.3-1 on a new server. I have tried numerous web browsers to get the https webui to load, but nothing. I can ssh in and have checked everything, even ran updates and other suggestions from the forums. 1. I have tried on...