
  1. D

    Cant acces to webGUI after trying to change the node/hostname name

    Hey guys. Im having an issue that after i tried to change the node/hostname name i can no longer acces the webGUI. I did it using this tutorial video. after the system reboot i found out foulder /etc/pve/nodes didnt exist, it was just deleted. luckily i still had backup of the original...
  2. F

    Proxmox suddenly not accessible via web gui, SSH or ping. Appears to be still working via terminal on device itself.

    I'm making this enquiry on behalf of a friend but seeing as I got him in to this I feel kind of responsible! That said, I'm still an absolute novice so terminology will likely be well off. Please be gentle! So, he states that after initially configuring a couple of containers (for running...
  3. M

    [SOLVED] Proxmox WebGUI doesnt reply from original address

    Hi there, I tried few days to find any similar topic, but I cant find. So I hope, there is not duplicate thread. My issue: When I try to open proxmox WebGUI from local browser on address I cannot reach. On router I see, sent syn packet to tcp/8006 but, there...
  4. L

    Remote Host ID (pvecm updatecerts doesnt resolve)

    Hi all Been using Proxmox for a while and never had any issues, at least none I couldn't find a solution to online or on these forums. Unfortunately this time I have been unsuccessful in finding detail. I have 3 nodes in my cluster, lets call then node 1, node 2 and node 3 for simplicity...
  5. H

    No WebGUI or ssh into PVE, but ping works; Everything works from phone though?

    Hi there! I'm running into a really wild issue here: I want to access my PVE remotely from a different network, so I'm using a wireguard VPN running in an LXC on my Proxmox node. I can use it and ssh into it and other LXCs just fine, however I can't access the pve itself neither by ssh nor by...
  6. O

    Unable to select storage when creating VM

    Hello. I was trying to create a VM in the Proxmox WebGUI, I get "communication failure (0)" on the storage selection screen and cannot select any storage. Is there any way to fix this? Thank you in advance.
  7. P

    Moving web GUI to new subnet on a cluster

    I have a two-node PVE cluster currently hosted on my LAN at 192.168.1.*, but I would like move the webGUI management to it's own subnet at 192.168.100.*. I've gotten communication between my LAN and the subnet working and have confirmed this by deploying and pinging VMs on the subnet from my...
  8. K

    No scroll on node certificates page

    Hey there, I found a small UI bug: there's no scroll on the System > Certificates page. I have a localhost CA I use to stop getting warnings on my browsers/devices. As it's just internal I've been using the same certificate on all the network devices for ease, and as I've been experimenting...
  9. K

    [SOLVED] Mit Internet Verbunden aber keine Verbindung zu dem Server

    Ich habe schon wieder das Problem das ich mich überhaupt nicht mehr mit dem Server verbinden kann. Ich habe mich seit 2-3 Tagen nicht mehr der Web GUI verbunden und heute als ich mich wieder verbinden wollte stand "Connection Timed Out" sowohl im Browser als auch wenn ich mich mit ssh verbinden...
  10. M

    Cannot Access proxmox via VPN (openvpn)

    Hi Ive recently setup a Openvpn server to manage my proxmox instance without opening it up to the internet however im unable to access proxmox via either webgui or ssh my Network is setup as pfSense proxmox ubuntuserver openvpn "endpoint" (what my ip will be...
  11. P

    GUI Plötzlich nicht mehr erreichbar

    Hallo, Seit ein paar Minuten geht bei mir das Webinterface vom PVE nicht mehr. Habe alle PVE Services gecheckt und auch neugestartet jedoch ohne erfolg. Mit SSH kann ich mich komischerweise auch nicht mehr einloggen. Ich habe hier nach best Practices Manier den Port für die SSH Verbindung...
  12. K

    no webgui today

    I've changed nothing but I cannot access the webgui any more, the virtual machines are running and I can SSH into proxmox. Trying to restart the service gives me errors. service pve-cluster restart I've run some command and following failed Job for pve-cluster.service failed because the control...
  13. W

    Cannot access webgui after update from any browser

    Hello. I'm trying to troubleshoot a login issue to my usual https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8006 after updating Proxmox with the command apt-get dist-upgrade. Here is the version: pve-manager/6.4-13/9f411e79 (running kernel: 5.4.157-1-pve) I can ssh and access from mobile but not from browser from a...
  14. G

    webgui won't open

    Hi 2 all! I have some problem with webgui. trying to open by server ip:8006 and see the white page. I try clear cache, other browsers and internet connection, with no result using a IE developer tools i see: ----- 501 no such file '/PVE/StdWorkspace.js' proxmox-ve: 5.2-2 (running kernel...
  15. L

    how to configure proxmox to be accessible from internet

    I am using a proxmox 5.4 version and they are already installed and working on ip address. But, I desire to be accessible from internet by my domain. From local network using my domain is accessible. I done that configuration: - edited /etc/hosts - https certification...
  16. J

    [SOLVED] Can't access webGUI

    Hey guys, i have a fresh install of Proxmox 5.1. It started of not booting without the installation disk inserted. I fixed that with a grub delay (im on a RAID 0 zfs). Now i am attempting to go to https://ipofserver:8006/ but i keep getting connection timed out. I've tried from multiple browsers...
  17. P

    Issues webgui "TypeError: me.getSelectionModel is not a function"

    Good morning, I've been using proxmox for years and I've never really had any problems except now. When I'm on the web interface: 1. I select a CT lxc container 2. I select resources 3. Select Memory 4. And I click on edit Nothing happens but an error in the JS console TypeError...
  18. J

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Host nicht erreichbar vom LAN

    Moinsen, ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. Ich habe folgendes Setup Ich habe einen Switch mit 3 VLans ( LAN[ DHCP], DMZ[ DHCP], WAN[]) Hypervisor: vmbr1 (eth1)> pfsense per VLAN routed wunderbar in alle netze vmbr0 Vlan DMZ...
  19. P

    access webgui via browser favorite including username and password

    hello proxmox community, i wonder if there is a way to create a browser favorite adding user credentials in order to enter webgui by just one mouse click. i have searched around but no success. is there a way to do this? thank you peter
  20. N

    [SOLVED] New node

    Hello team. Insert a new node in a cluster but it does not appear in my webgui. Is there anything that can be done? I neee viewe this node for buy license. New node return this em pvecm status. But not show in my web. root@prox-r1-s7:~# pvecm status Quorum information ------------------ Date...