
  1. T

    Windows Server not booting after migrating from VMWare

    So we are demoing Proxmox as a VMWare alternative for when the price increase finally hits us. I have moved a few VMs of lower importance and they seem to migrate and boot up with no issues by mounting the ESXI as storage and using the built-in import function. When I try with my Domain...
  2. T

    Gedanken zu einer Migration von VMware

    Moin, ich habe mich schon umgeschaut und habe keinen Thread dieser Art gefunden, daher erstelle ich einen Neuen. Sollte das nicht passen, bitte löschen. :) Während meines Praktikums habe ich die Möglichkeit bekommen, verschiedene Migrationsmöglichkeit von VMWare zu Proxmox zu testen. Dies...
  3. bbgeek17

    [TUTORIAL] Understanding LVM Shared Storage In Proxmox

    Hi Everyone, There are numerous forum inquiries about integrating a legacy enterprise SAN with PVE, particularly from those transitioning from VMware. To help, we've put together a comprehensive guide that explains how LVM Shared Storage works with PVE, including its benefits, limitations, and...
  4. M

    Recommendations for Proxmox VE Deployment with Mixed 10GB and 1GB Ports

    Hi everyone, I'm in the process of setting up a new Proxmox VE deployment and I have a few questions. My servers come with multiple 10GB and 1GB ports. I've read that the Proxmox documentation frequently recommends using dedicated physical links for the cluster network due to latency...
  5. B

    Migration from VMware

    Hello, I have started my company on the journey of migrating our entire VMware infra to Proxmox. I am looking for some guidance on the Import utility if there is a way to import Thin Disks as Thin Disks. The import is working excellently but it appears to be creating qcow2 disks at the...
  6. O

    VMware Migration nach Proxmox

    Ich brauche dringend eure Hilfe ! Ich bin derzeit dabei Proxmox für meine Arbeit zu testen und bin gerade beim migrieren angekommen. Was genau gibt man in dem Fenster ein, wo nach der IP/Hostname bzw. den Anmeldedaten gefragt wird? So wie ich das verstanden habe soll da die IP vom Storage...
  7. tcabernoch

    VMUG Portland Oct. 30

    I'm gonna have a Proxmox shirt printed. Call myself a regional sales rep or something. (Hmm. "ESXi Migration Tools Team" I like it.) I'll show up at the Portland VMUG and sell PVE. Are you a VCP in Portland? Show up. Look for the longhair starting trouble. Cya there. I won't post the...
  8. B

    VM boot issue VMware ESXi migration to Proxmox

    Good afternoon, I have a problem booting a Windows Server 2012 that I have migrated with the ‘Proxmox’ option from VMWare ESXi. When I boot the virtual machine, it doesn't seem to initialise and sends me to the recovery process. I have tried changing the CPU type, the SCSI driver, installing...
  9. S

    [SOLVED] ESXi Storage Fehler: Failed to spawn fuse mount

    Hallo, ich versuche gerade einen ESXi Storage hinzuzufügen, um VMs von VSphere zu importieren. Bevor der Storage überhaupt hinzugefügt werden kann, kommt der Fehler create storage failed: failed to spawn fuse mount, process exited with status 65280 (500) Ich habe folgendes bereits versucht...
  10. R

    A virtual machine on a node in the PVE cluster always shuts down automatically

    A virtual machine was created on a node in the PVE cluster, but it always shuts down automatically. After deleting the virtual machine, it will still automatically shut down when recreated. The virtual machine deployment method is to use QM create, and the image used is Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. img...
  11. J

    Proxmox slower in CPU/Memory than VMware

    Hi, I've done some performance tests with the tool from PassMark. What I notice is that my CPU and memory are slower than in VMware even though Proxmox has a better CPU than VMware. From my understanding Proxmox should be better performing? Is there something I can finetune? Am I doing...
  12. W

    Complete Newbie to Proxmox

    Hey Guys, I am very new to Proxmox, and looking at it to replace ESX, as our costs have ramped up. I do appreciate these are newbie questions, however before I get some hardware to create a lab and learn I wanted to learn from the Kings here ! So to cut a long story short, im just looking at...
  13. M

    Import of Centos from Vmware fails

    Dear everybody, I am trying to import a Centos from Esxi using the import function in Proxmox I have attached the VM config, When I boot the machine, I just get below message Any advice would be highly appreciated
  14. patefoniq

    Broadcom and MS Azure moves

    Hi, I don't know where to post a topic like this, but I'm curious about your opinion (especially Proxmox staff's) about the recent Broadcom and VMware bought incident and last week's Microsoft and Broadcom agreement about support with moving client licenses from VMware to Azure. How do you...
  15. B

    Vmware VM migration - bandwidth limit

    Hi everyone, I don't know if I'm the only one and if I have some misconfiguration on the VmWare or Proxmox side, but this is my situation: I would like to migrate virtual machines from a vmware cluster (version 8) to a proxmox version 8.2.2, I followed the document...
  16. D

    Problems with WS 2019

    Hi I am importing a vm from vmwre into proxmox, the import ends correctly but when I turn on the vm (windows) it goes directly to automatic windows repair and does not allow booting Maybe you know if something is missing or I'm omitting something?
  17. M

    FreeSwitch Latency on Proxmox vs VMWare

    Hi, When we were running Freeswitch VM on VMWare, we had to change the latency option provided by VMWare to get the best performance. Link: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/7.0/com.vmware.vsphere.resmgmt.doc/GUID-206CF841-F34E-4F54-855F-DA403311CB66.html I don't see such settings on...
  18. F

    [SOLVED] VMWare -> Proxmox | Storage Ceph - Fragen?

    Hallo in die Runde! Auch wir überlegen, einen Übergang von VMWare zu Proxmox zu realisieren. Stand bisher: VMWare Cluster 5 Nodes, 2 Storages mit SAS Anbindung Nun zu unseren Überlegungen: Unter Beibehaltung der bestehenden 5 Nodes wollen wir die bestehenden Storages gegen ein Ceph-Cluster...
  19. D

    Import .vmx

    Hi, i'm trying to import some .vmx files directly from a vmware disk. The vmware host is shutdown. I had a look at the recently added migration tool, but as far as i can see it can only import VMs from a live vmware server. Could it be possible to import .vmx files directly from disk and not...
  20. T

    VMware to Proxmox Migration HELP!

    Hello, I currently have a virtual machine that is running on VMware Workstation Pro. That virtual machine has very important licenses that are attached to the "physical" hardware of the virtual machine. I want to migrate that virtual machine to my Proxmox server, keeping all of the hardware...