
  1. S

    The right way to configure network

    I am struggeling to find the right way to configure my network. Information: Network First Node <--> Switch (unmanaged and dumb) <--> Second Node First Node 4 CT Vlan 80 1 CT Vlan 40 1 Vm Vlan 20 Network bond1 NIC1 NIC2 NIC3 NIC4...
  2. M

    VMs failing to read NICs and get IPs

    Hey, trying to figure this out and getting deeper. New install Pmox and able to upgrade everything before deploying VMs. Initial VMs actually connected fine but suddenly do not. Only had one other and all subsequent deployments without pci passthrough are failing on the vmbrs. Proxmox Host is...
  3. F

    Proxmox managment via VLAN not working

    Hello, I want to manage proxmox via the IP address and I want to set up multiple VLANs (different IP addresses) for other VMs. I still don't working proxmox management via VLAN. Linux Bridge (vmbr0) without Linux VLAN (vlan100) - WORKING /etc/network/interfaces auto lo...
  4. T

    vmbrX einer laufenden VM tauschen - Ideen?

    Wie würdet Ihr es angehen?: Ein laufende(!) VM hat eine Netzwerkkarte (net2), die an eine Brücke "gebunden" ist (z. B. vmbr2). Jetzt hat diese Brücke ein Verbindungsproblem, z. B. geht ping an ihr nicht mehr. Dann soll in der laufenden VM net2 nicht mehr an vmbr2, sondern an vmbr1...
  5. T

    Bond 2 10GbE for 20GbE Windows Server?

    Hey all, Is it possible to bond 2 10GbE ports in Proxmox using LACP and use that bond in a vmbr to add to my Windows Server VM? When I try this the adapter in Windows still says 10GbE instead of 20GbE. I know I need to also aggregate the ports on my switch and have done so. Thanks.
  6. 3

    Network bandwidth is unstable between Host and VM Guest

    Host uses Linux bridge, VM Guest uses Virtio NIC model. I enabled the iperf3 server on the Host and then tested on the VM Guest,Then I get the following result: [ 5] 0.00-1.00 sec 2.08 GBytes 17.9 Gbits/sec 0 2.53 MBytes [ 5] 1.00-2.00 sec 2.91 GBytes 25.0 Gbits/sec...
  7. M

    PVE 8 PFsense WAN Passthrough

    Trying to get PFsense working in a VM. Can't seem to get an IP address from my ISP on my VM-PFsense. I have a VMBR1 (virtual bridge that is passing my isp's link through the Proxmox server to my netgear router but cant seem to get it into PFsense. [Modem>i82571NIC-P1>i82571NIC-P2>BR200]<both...
  8. H

    Help configuring network interface when hosting Proxmox on a VM

    I'm running Proxmox on a Debian VM in Azure (i know, i know, I have my reasons). When I went to start a LXC I received an error saying it could not start because bridge vmbr0 doesn't exist. I went to add it in network interfaces and my code is below, but this borked my network and...
  9. S

    Manual installation on Debian 12

    If Debian 12 has been installed with minimal network boot CD/ISO/USB then it probably does not include bridge-utils which is mandatory component to get vmbr bridges to work. Make sure you install it with apt install bridge-utils first then fix these files /etc/hosts and /etc/network/interfaces...
  10. C

    Host PVE behind PFSense on same PVE

    I'm doing this for a proof of concept. I've got a single Proxmox server with a single NIC, connected to a router. The gateway of the router as an example is and I have access to IP's and (all not real IPs). Is it possible to configure a vmbr0...
  11. K

    Node to node networking

    I have two nodes with two NICS each. One NIC is connected directly to the internet, the other NIC is essentially a LAN only connection between the nodes with a linux bridge creating VMBR2. I'm manually configuring static IP address to the nodes themselves in the range. Can I use...
  12. M

    vmbr0 Loosing Inbound Traffic

    Hello! New to Proxmox and forums (experienced in other HA hypervisors). I just setup a 2-node cluster and I've been having some networking issues. I have two interfaces (enp1s0f1 primary & enp1s0f0 backup) in an active-passive bond (bond0). I then setup vmbr0 on bond0 and vlan2 onto vmbr0...
  13. A

    [SOLVED] LXC's on different linux bridges can still ping each other

    Here I am again, the issue is quite simple (and was probably there for a few months but I never realised). The promox I took over already had one linux bridge setup, VMBR0 (which I'm guessing is from the installation), I then created a second linux bridge to isolate my lxc's and vm's >> VMBR1...
  14. F

    Upgraded pve version and now network adapter issues

    Im currently on version 7.2-7 and kernel 5.15.39-1-pve I have this setup on a dell r620. I have four network adapters. two are 1gig nics and two are 10 gig fiber connections all connected to the same switch a brocade icx6610 which has no vlans setup currently. I bridged all the adapters...
  15. D

    [SOLVED] Host's looses connection constantely including when VM starts and VM got no internet either

    I am completely new to Proxmox. I wanted to try it out to learn something new. I usually use Virtualbox on W10 but i want to try the speed and power of KVM. I have been really exited about this and seen a lot of videos and reviews of Proxmox. So i really hope i can get help to make it work. I...
  16. A

    Problem with VLAN tags

    There are seven servers in my data center. Each has eight network interfaces. Each physical pair of interfaces is bonded (OVS Bond) with Bond Mode - LACP (balance-slb). In turn, each bond is combined into a vmbr (OVS Bridge). Two different servers have one PfSense virtual router virtual machine...
  17. F

    VMs loosing connectivity randomly

    Hi there, it's been a long time I'm facing the same issue on multiple hypervisors from different server providers (for over a year on my self hosted servers, at Caldera Park in Milan, too): I'm currently having two hypervisors hosted by Hetzner, one running, running version 6.3-6, VMs only...
  18. J

    [SOLVED] CT/VM (+br/vlan) issues post 6 to 7 upgrade

    Hi all, I'm having a bit of a pickle in the way of fully upgrading my cluster to pve 7. Beyond having to fiddle my interface options (underscores being replaced by hyphens on bond interfaces, didn't expect that one ) and managing to get ifupdown2 installed _after_ being shut off from the world...
  19. T

    [SOLVED] Proxmox bridge/vlan erstellen??? Fritzbox

    Hey, ich hab mir neu Proxmox installiert und eine Netzwerkkarte im Homeserver. Ich habe probiert eine VMBridge zu erstellen, nur nach dem neustart registriert sich der Server nicht im Netzwerk. Daher musste ich es jedes mal in der interfaces Datei zurückstellen. Nun brauch ich Hilfe, muss ich...
  20. P

    VM Can't connect network when their bridge is on a specific NIC

    Hello Everyone, I need your help I'm a Proxmox user and enthousiast. I've recently changed one of the 2 Physical server (node) of my office and I've spent hours trying to understand why my vms couldn't get connected to the network despite I've done exactly like all the other time I've installed...