
  1. T

    VM won't start due to io-error - how to increase disk space?

    Hi, total beginner so please answer simply for me if possible :) I have a 64GB SSD drive, and originally had dedicated 32GB to a VM (running HomeAssistant OS), and 10GB to an LXC container. After updating Home Assistant, the VM wouldn't start, complaining of an io-error: It seems like the...
  2. Proxygen

    Is a Discard/Trim Issued When Removing an LV from a ThinPool?

    On PVE 8.1, I have a thin pool on NVME with a few containers. I deleted one of the containers (via GUI) and now I am not sure if the space used by the LV was discarded/trimmed. I can't issue an `fstrim`, unless it is against a directory, nor I can issue a `pct fstrim` against the CT because...
  3. B

    Newbie questions

    I want to use Proxmox to host a home file server and a few other things, and I'm new to Proxmox. One of my early thoughts was to simply create a directory on the host and for the [Linux] clients to mount it directly from there, either using SSHFS or installing Samba on the host. I got the...
  4. Z

    VM Migration Between Nodes (LVM Thin + Linked Clones)

    I use proxmox in a homelab setting and have been running into storage issues on a few nodes with small SSDs. I wanted to upgrade the storage. My plan was to: 1. Migrate the VMs to other nodes. 2. Remove the node, whose storage I'm upgrading. 3. Upgrade the storage and re-install proxmox...
  5. B

    Missing local-lvm volume after reboot

    Hey everyone, im at a loss here, on my own. I just restarted my main Proxmox node and since after some time no container was reachable I looked in Webinterface. No Container and VM was running. Trying to start them results in: "TASK ERROR: no such logical volume pve/data". I think I found the...
  6. C

    Not understanding what lvm-thin is used for

    I'm trying to replace my FreeNAS system with Proxmox. The plan is to leave the NAS duties on FreeNAS for now, and migrate all the FreeNAS jails' services over to pve. So far I'm in discovery mode. I installed a fresh LXC from the ubuntu template. I mounted the NFS share for my media library at...
  7. M

    Restore einer VM schlägt fehl

    Hallo zusammen, ich bin relativ neu im Proxmox / Linux Umfeld und bitte deshalb um Nachsicht. Ich habe vermutlich ein Problem mit einer überprovisionierten VM, bzw. einem ZFS Pool und bräuchte hier dringend Hilfe. Festgestellt habe ich es beim Restore eines Backups der VM. Hier erhalte ich beim...
  8. T

    Proxmox VE 6 - Reverting Thin-LVM to "old" Behavior of /var/lib/vz

    Hi, understand, this still working for Proxmox VE 6 ? thanks!
  9. P

    Thin-LVM nach reboot verschwunden

    Hallo Ich habe das Problem, dass nach einem Reboot des Proxmox Clusters, das komplette Thin-LVM des 3. Nodes verschwunden ist. Auf Node 1 & 2 sind die Thin-LVM unter /dev/ ersichtlich, bei Node 3 existiert lvm-p03 nicht mehr. Gemäss storage.cfg sollte lvm-p03 jedoch existieren. Kennt jemand eine...