
  1. B

    VM storage latancy

    What is the best expected latancy of storage within a VM? from reading it looks like their un-opimised guest is getting just over 50us, yet no matter what i try i am getting around 200-300us with raw image, virtio scsi...
  2. B

    local-shared storage

    Hello, I have a server with 2 disks of 1TB. I installed PVE using the ZFS mirror option, so the two disks are fully dedicated to this whole ZFS mirror. Everything works great. I don't mind changing configurations, but I don't want to add any other physical storage. How could I create a...
  3. I

    [SOLVED] LVM Thin-pool on new node

    Hi everyone, Merry Xmas! I hope someone can help with the following basic problem: I have just created my first cluster by adding a single new node. I would now like to set up the internal SSD in order to transfer some VMs over to it. However, it's not working like the master node. fdisk -l...
  4. UdoB

    [TUTORIAL] FabU: can I use Ceph in a _very_ small cluster?

    Ceph is great, but it needs some resources above the theoretical minimum to work reliably. My assumptions for the following text: you want to use Ceph because... why not? you want to use High Availability - which requires Shared Storage (note that a complete solution needs more things like a...
  5. C

    Detaillierte Übersicht der Hardware-Belegung?

    Hallo, ich verwende Proxmox 8.2.7 auf meinen MiniPC mit 2 SSDs und habe dort mittlerweile eine OMV VM, eine Win11 VM, einen LXC Container für OpenVPN usw. usw. Gibt es nun irgendwo eine gute Übersicht, idealerweise grafisch, um herauszufinden welche VMs oder Container nun auf welche SSD...
  6. G

    USB locking on one VM?

    Good afternoon, all! I'm looking into ProxMox as a sandbox and dev platform, coming from a VMware/Nutanix background. I set up VE on an old laptop and it's working OK as far as it goes. I added a 500 GB USB drive to the laptop dock and mounted the filesystem on /mnt/usb01, then installed a...
  7. F

    Ceph Config File (Separate Subnet)

    Hello everyone, I have been using Ceph for the past few months and have recently acquired the necessary hardware to set up Ceph on its subnet, as advised in the Ceph and Proxmox documentation. I am unsure if I have configured this correctly. Below is my configuration file, where you will also...
  8. M

    [SOLVED] Local-lvm filling up

    The local-lvm: I believe the source of most of the data is the TrueNAS vm boot disk but when I looked into it, I couldn't find the source of the 40G+ data. lvs: Inside the TrueNAS vm: My overall VM setup: Any help in identifying where my storage is actually going is appreciated.
  9. E

    PBS does not synchronize available space with target storage

    Hey, we kind of ran into a problem wth Proxmox Backup Server. Our iscsi-target which we use as backup-storage for pbs is out of space. Therefore we have deleted a lot of backups from pbs. It does not seem to synchronize the available space with the storage. In the file-structure of pbs and...
  10. E

    TrueNas on Proxmox with massive amount of Storage. Feasible?

    Hello everyone, I am relatively new to homelabbing but have never yet used Proxmox. Though, I've always been tinkering with IT stuff and am also working in the field. Finally, I want to realize my own homelab/NAS combo. My plan is to use Proxmox VE as a host and virtualize TrueNas Scale. I'd be...
  11. R

    [SOLVED] PVE Backups Question

    Hello, I am having a strange issue with VM backups direct from PVE. I have configured the backup jobs under Datacenter->Backups, going to an SMB share. My backup storage is running low, so I ran a Prune on each of the VM's to free up space. I can see that the extra restore points have been...
  12. H

    LXC storage other than "local"

    I have a proxmox cluster v 8.3.1, each node has a boot drive (rpool) and 2 SSDs mirrored with ZFS (vm-storage0). Under cluster>storage there are listed local, Type directory local-zfs, Type ZFS vm-storage0, Type ZFS root@prox3:~# zfs list NAME USED AVAIL REFER...
  13. R

    Instructions for adding external disk in Proxmox and using it in Windows Server VM for backup

    Good afternoon, I’m planning to back up some documents in a Windows Server VM using the Windows Server Backup service. I have an external hard drive that I would like to use for this purpose. What would be the best way to add this disk in Proxmox and then make it available to the VM? Model...
  14. V

    One disk for host data - best practices.

    Please forgive me, as I'm a total beginner. I'm wondering best practices/feedback on using one disk as the storage for multiple VMs and CTs. Here's what I have right now: /dev/sdc is used for backups. /dev/sdd is used for security cam storage. Things get a bit funky with ZFS formatted disk...
  15. M

    Unable to destroy disk directory from GUI

    I was asked to confirm by entering an ID, but I have no idea which ID to use.
  16. S

    Frage zur Cluster einrichtung mit Storage

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe meine Proxmox Reise erst gestartet und stoße gerade ein bisschen auf ein Probleme. Folgende config ist vorhanden: 2 Dell Server Nodes mit jeweils 1Tb RAID 1 stärker CPU und 128 Gb RAM diese sind per SAS an einen Storage angeschlossen mit zwei Controllern der ordentlich...
  17. A

    Suppoort for multiple parallel/sequential disk migrations for vm and ct

    Is it possible to migrate multiple disks of a vm/ct at once? I have not found a way yet on PVE 8.3? It would be nice to select multiple disks of a vm to migrate at once intead of migrating one disk at a time and then manually starting the next move job... Same for the ct:s. Also I find it...
  18. F

    Use old Proxmox disk as Storage for new installation

    Hi, I've reinstalled Proxmox VE 8.3 on a new SSD (250GB). Before this, I had Proxmox installed on a 1TB hard disk. This hard disk contained both the operating system and all the VM and container images. The previous installation was done via debian and the disk had an ext4 partition. Now I...
  19. P

    PBS Storage / Disks mount/unmount buttons

    Hi, I would like to suggest/request an improvement to the UI for the Storage / Disks. Can two buttons be added to the action bar for Disks to mount and unmount the selected disk? The use case for this would be for removable media. The Disks are setup as Directory entries with ext4...
  20. J

    VMware replacement

    Hi Guys and Girls, We don't like where vmware is going with the Broadcom. So we are looking for replacement. I think proxmox is great solution the only problem we have is the storage. In my opinion this is the time to have a good solution for this. And you will takeover the world. A normal...