san storage

  1. V

    Migration from VMware to Proxmox: Reusing Hardware Proxmox-SAN

    What are the best storage configurations in Proxmox to access a SAN with multiple nodes while ensuring high performance, redundancy, and simultaneous access? How do options like ZFS over iSCSI, ZFS over NVMe/TCP, Ceph compare in terms of latency, scalability, and complexity? The goal is to...
  2. K

    Shared storage over Fiber channel

    Hi all, I am looking for a fast storage for HA cluster. Currently I use Ceph, but it is terribly slow (I have 3 nodes with enterprise class nvme drives. I read many articles about it and its performace. By my opinion the bottleneck is in network synchronization. So I am looking for another...
  3. D

    Storage best practices for large setups

    Hi there, currently one of my customers plans to migrate an existing VMWare environment to a KVM based solution. The VMWare setup is pretty large with about 2.000 CPU cores, ~50TB memory and ~2.000 TB full-flash SAN storage. Eventhough we would setup several Proxmox clusters, we still need a...
  4. G

    New LVM Showing as Full

    Hi People, Im having a bit of a weird issue where I have created a striped Logical Volume using the CLI but when I add it to the storage.cfg or use pvesm add lvm <STORAGE_ID> --vgname <VGNAME> to add it to the cluster it shows up as full. Im sure I am doing somthing really silly but I can't...
  5. A

    Which partition for SAN with SAS disks

    Good morning everyone. I have this problem, I installed a proxmox ve 8.2.7 on 3 HP D560 nodes and created a cluster without problems. as dedicated disks for the VMs I have an HP P2000 G3 san with SAS connection. on this san i created two volumes in raid 6 one of 13 TB and the second of 8 TB...
  6. G

    Striped LVM On Proxmox Cluster?

    Hi People, Bare with me here I am venturing into territory I haven't looked into before and I can't seem to find an answer from googling. Bit of a weird one, I have a SAN with 2 LUNs the LUNs are connected to my proxmox cluster using ISCSI via a 25gig network used only for the SAN connection...
  7. M

    Using a Node as a SAN?

    Quick question. I have a HPE DL350p server that has 3 drive cages with a total of 22 drive bays all connecting to 3 HBA cards. I have ProxMox 8.1 installed on a 256GB SD flash card mounted to the motherboard. Currently I have all 1TB SATA standard consumer drives in those bays, but I...
  8. S

    Trouble attaching SAN to Proxmox

    I am testing Proxmox and we have a SAN from Pure Storage. I have a 3 host cluster and each can see the storage available (both local and SAN), but the SAN storage is duplicated with each Fibre channel connection. I have installed multipath tools and have used some steps found here to edit the...
  9. S

    Fiber Channel SAN and Multipath after a reboot

    Hi all, i managed to configure Proxmox with a fiber channel SAN (HPE MSA2062) and multipath-tools. Everything is fine until i reboot, everytime the disk is showing LVM2 Member instead of mpath_member. After that when i migrate or create a VM, i have an alert that i'm accessing a multipath...
  10. S

    Hyperconverge with SCSI MULTIPATH 10Gb/s DELL ME4024

    Hello everybody, I woul'd like to design an Hyperconverged infrastructure with 3 proxmox linked by DELL Fibre Switch S4112F in one hand and one DELL SAN ME4024 in other hand We have configure LVM on the the cluster's datastore. We have problème, only HA is available but, we have to have a...
  11. B

    fc shared storage for all nodes

    Hi, I'm trying to set up SAN storage using fiber cables. I have 5 servers running Proxmox, all of which are in a Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE) cluster. Could you provide a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to set up SAN storage that will be accessible to all nodes in the cluster.
  12. N

    [SOLVED] Storage Plugin Entwicklung

    Hallo geschätztes Proxmox Team, wir sind aktuell in Kontakt mit Pure Storage bzgl. einer PVE Storage Integration (Storage Plugin), da wir bei uns ein Pure FlashArray in Verwendung haben und die Überlegung aufkam, dass aktuelle Hyper V Cluster auf Proxmox umzustellen. Da leider aufgrund der...
  13. N

    [SOLVED] Shared SAN inkl. Snapshots Unterstützung

    Hallo zusammen, gibt es aktuell Pläne einer Verwirklichung von SAN (iSCSI / SCSI) Support mit Snapshot Funktion bzw. den offiziellen Support eines shared Filesystems um qcow2 verwenden zu können? Falls nicht, gibt es eine Empfehlung welches shared Filesystem hier evtl. gut und sicher in einer...
  14. I

    Problem New Disk from SAN Storage via FCoE

    I'm Newbie proxmox As before, the server uses vmware, everything works. . I've tried install proxmox and setup up network (FCoE) network, it works fine but I don't see new disk from san storage. . How can check that a new disk has been added? or is it possible that there is no driver for...
  15. V

    Shared Storage with FC-SAN

    Hello, I'm trying to get the best storage possible using fiber-channel SAN. With Multipath, I'm able to get the SAN appear as disk on my nodes, and I'm able to create a PV/VG on it. So I have now a Shared storage based on LVM, on my SAN, available on all my nodes. The only issue I get, is...
  16. Y

    Advice for a redundant SAN?

    What is the best Open Source solution to create a SAN for a 13 node proxmox cluster? I wouldn't want to use a product that after a year I find the license cost doubled or the company going bankrupt ;-) In the past I tried with Ceph.. but the snaps were much much slower than ZFS and over time...
  17. A

    SAS Multipath

    Hey evreryone! I was able to get guidance on getting my SAS disks to show up in Proxmox. I have two Dell R350s and a Dell EMC ME4012. Each R350 has two SAS cables connecting to controller A and B. When I look at the disks I see.. So the ME4 3.84 TB and 1.20TB disks show up twice. Same way...
  18. K

    Proxmox, 6 node cluster with FC - Emulex HBA cards - SAN Volumes

    Hi Support, We are planning to setup a six node Proxmox env with SAN connectivity (FC - Emulex HBA cards), I couldnt find online documentation on how to add the block SAN volume into cluster nodes. Can you please help share procedure, appreciated for your support.
  19. U

    PVE 7.2 Issues with thick LVM on iSCSI

    I've poked around the forums and search engines but I can't find a clear answer on how to get a new thick LVM volume built on top of an iSCSI LUN to show as available on all nodes in the cluster. I have a 5 node HA cluster with a small iSCSI SAN for some storage. When I add the new iSCSI LUN in...
  20. T

    setup san fc storage as a backup device

    Recently we have purchased a HP MSA 2060 FC which we are using it as main storage for VMs. However, we have another san fc storage which is dell powervault MD3800f. we would like to know the best practice way to setup the dell storage as backup for the VMs. I just confused how to add a block...