root account

  1. S

    I can't login w/ root account via SSH/Shell after ingress PVE on AD domain

    Hi. I instaled a PVE7.4 on Dell R710. Setup a VM Win2019 server w/ AD. Setup others VMs, Windows and Linux. I can login in any VM normally with my AD user. On web interface of PVE, i setup de AD and be able to login in. All rigth. But, now, i can't login via ssh or shell w/ root user or my...
  2. V

    root user cannot run 'su' command - lxc container

    Hello, I have an unprivileged lcx container where I changed the UID mapping in the file /etc/pve/lxc/101.conf. The file looks like this now: While I managed to get access to the mounted folder I was aiming for, I can't run any su command. I can't even change user with su - user. When I try to...
  3. N

    Node Persistent when trying to Delete it

    I am trying to delete one of my nodes in my 2 node cluster. I have used the pvecm delnode [nodename] command and deleted the corresponding directory in /etc/pve/nodes, but the deleted node is still showing up in the WebUI. I saw in a separate post that some others have had to remove it from the...
  4. G

    Different privileges for root and user with Administrator role?

    I have setup a "normal" user with the Aministrator role and have been using this to manage my cluster without problem for quite a while. For some reason, I wanted to check what ACME account I had set up, and I could not find it. I thought I was going crazy until I realized that the ACME menu...
  5. F

    [SOLVED] Kein login mehr nach Upgrade von 6 auf 7

    Moin, ich gestern eine Proxmox-Installation auf die neuste 6er (6.4.15 war es glaube ich) gebracht und anschließend auf die 7er Version. Vorgegangen bin ich nach der Wiki-Anleitung: Laut der Shell war es fertig und da habe ich die die PVE per...
  6. G

    [SOLVED] After installing proxmox on Debian 11 the root password was changed

    I performed the installation of Proxmox VE 7.2 on Debian 11 logged in as root but after the installation finished the root password was changed and now I can't access
  7. S

    [SOLVED] Disabling root user...

    Greetings, I was trying to secure my new Proxmox install and I disabled root user. I have another user with admin role... It was a big mistake, and now I can't access to Proxmox web interface. I searched on logs but see nothing. I reactivated root user without effect. (pveum usermod root@pam...
  8. T

    [SOLVED] New user not working

    Hi! So I've installed Proxmox and getting familiar with it. Then I thought, it's probably not good to run/login as root. So I made a new user from the shell with adduser, then adding "him" to the sudoers. Works wonders to logon my new user from the terminal over SSH, but not thru the Proxmox...
  9. F

    Root User

    Hi all, I am new to the forum and Proxmox and looking for some advice. In general, what are people doing with the root user on the system? Generally, I would always create a new sudo user and then disable root login but I have read on a couple of Reddit forums that this can cause problems...
  10. G

    [SOLVED] Virtuelle Maschine root problem

    Ich hab lange gesucht aber keine Antwort gefunden, vielleicht bin ich für mein Problem auch einfach nur zu blöd :D aber ich hoffe ich finde hier Hilfe. Folgendes: Ich habe auf meinem Proxmox Server mehrere VM´s installiert mit der Iso: ubuntu-18.04.5-live-server.amd64.iso soweit so gut, bei...
  11. V

    Understanding lxc.idmap, /etc/sub{u,g}id, cannot login as root, root lost permissions?

    Hi, I'm a proxmox-noob, been messing around with lxc.idmap, /etc/sub{u,g}id etc and I finally got something working but I cannot login as root and when I "cheat" using "pct enter 101" it's like the root user lost his root permissions so this is really weird and I've been googling around, trying...
  12. I

    Non-root Upgrade from GUI

    I'm stumped as to how to do this. I'd like to create a PVE realm administrator that has access to the node CLI and also the ability run the upgrade from the web GUI. Currently, this new user is only able to check for updates, but not run the actual upgrade, and does not have access to the node...
  13. L

    re-open the root account

    I mistakenly close the root account of Linux PAM standard authentication, but i can log in with SSH, is there any way to re-open the root account, thank you !