
  1. A

    [SOLVED] NAS als Datastore (Readonly) in PBS einbinden und auf Tape Sichern

    Liebes Forum, wir sind letztes jahr von ESXi / Veeam auf Proxmox / PBS umgestiegen. In Veeam hatte man die Möglichkeit, einen Tapejob anzulegen und direkt eine SMB-Freigabe auf Tapes zu sichern. Auf dem PBS sind aktuell ca 75TB frei, wir benötigen jedoch ca 180TB, ich habe also nicht genügend...
  2. S

    fsck not working on second hdd mounted via fstab

    Hello everyone, the PBS should check periodic the filesystem of the Backup Store aswell as the root Disk. For the Root-Disk it works normally but I checked when the last check of the Datastore was and its 2 Years ago. Which cant be right because the periodic check is enabled todo after all 2...
  3. J

    [SOLVED] PBS stops responding on update

    Running the latest PBS as a stand-alone I've ran into an issue then machine becomes unavailable. Both console and network no longer respond. Sometimes console seems sluggish to respond, then stops. My observation and impression is this is after proxmox-backup-daily-update ran. To that end I...
  4. W

    [SOLVED] Backup Probleme

    Guten Tag, Ich habe seit mehreren Wochen das Problem das manche meiner VMs nicht komplett gebackupt werden. Proxmox VE Fehler Meldung: INFO: Starting Backup of VM 103 (qemu) INFO: Backup started at 2024-05-18 19:44:46 INFO: status = running INFO: VM Name: Win-Server-2025 INFO: include disk...
  5. S

    How to configure Fail2Ban for PBS

    Hello, I want to configure fail2ban also for the web-gui of PBS. I followed the wiki and it worked well for PVE. I used the systemd-variant. My PBS is installed directly on the PVE hypervisor and whatever I configure, fail2ban is not detecting failed login attempts. Maybe someone else already...
  6. A

    Ldap authentication

    Hi, How to configure ldap certificate-based authentication? Could not found in doc. Some fields are different from proxmox ve ldap configuration. For example cert directive. Example from pve ldap: name base_dn dc=example,dc=com server1 user_attr uid cert...
  7. Z

    Getting More Detailed Info When Listing Backups with 'pvesm list'

    Hey Folks, Does anybody know how to list the "Notes" inside a Proxmox Backup Datastore from the Command line? This is what I see in the GUI: But when I run the CLI command: $ pvesm list proxmox-backup-01-T7500 I only get the following output...
  8. H

    Procedure for PBS system disk recovery? (intact datastores)

    Busy to get some documentation/preparations in place, and the question popped up: What is needed to recover a PBS server with intact datastores, but the rpool/root disk(s) failed got corrupted? (case in point a server with a single NVMe or two similar SSDs that fails together or other operator...
  9. N

    [SOLVED] Issue while adding acme account with custom acme directory

    Hey, I want to add an ACME account with a custom directory (-> self hosted step-ca) Because you cannot add an acme account with a non-letsencrypt directory via the GUI, I used the command line on proxmox-back-server, I will get the following error: root@pbs:~# proxmox-backup-manager acme...
  10. D

    Slow backups from NFS share

    Hi, I'm using Proxmox Backup Client on a Debian virtual machine on Proxmox VE to backup a quite large NFS share (~ 10 Tb) mounted on the VM. The backup works, but it's very slow. First backup took a very long time (~ 12 days) and it's expected, but even next backups are taking so long: at the...
  11. D

    Backup to Proxmox Backup Server for one VM: dns error: failed to lookup address information: Name or service not known

    Hi, I installed a Proxmox Backup Server and I configured a new backup storage on Proxmox VE 6.3-3. Backups for all virtual machines works good, but for only one which returns the following error: INFO: include disk 'virtio0' 'local-zfs:vm-101-disk-0' 32G INFO: backup mode: snapshot INFO...
  12. R

    Proxmox-backup-client interactive shell: restore - where are the files?!

    Hello together i am still testing around with Proxmox Backup Server and especially the backup-client. (About the installation of the proxmox-backup-client on ubuntu, see here.) I was abled to backup some user files from a VM that i wanted to restore in another VM. Backup up the files worked...
  13. R

    Removing Backups older than 7 Days

    Hey, i have Backups for 2 weeks now and i want to delete Backups older than 7 Days, my Prune Settings are the following: When i start the Garbage Collection, i get: Removed garbage: 0 B Removed chunks: 0 What i am understanding and doing wrong? Thanks :)
  14. R

    How to mount encrypted Backup

    Hello, How is it possible to mount an encrypted Backup on our PBS? I don't understand the Syntax in the Documentation. Do I need an extra Hard Disk or can I mount it to a local directory? Thank You!