proxmox 4.2

  1. M

    Passthrough Usb Disk to Windows 2012 R2 Server

    Hi, Is there anyway in Proxmox 4.2 to pass physical devices such Usb Disk to Windows 2012 R2 to perform USB Backup or to have some usage of removable devices? I tried following this and this...
  2. R

    Shrink LXC Container Storage

    Hi Everyone, My LXC Container have 1000 GB but I only need 150 GB. How can I shrink the storage? I used this pct resize 101 rootfs 150 unable to shrink disk size Can anyone explain me how can I shrink the LXC Container to only 150 GB. Best regards and thanks for help, Oliver
  3. Z

    proxmox with 1 public ip

    Hi. I'm trying to set up my proxmox with one public ip. I'm trying to have webservers on 2 or more vms. I'm trying to follow this tutorial: What changes do I need to make to my router? What changes do I need to...
  4. N

    [SOLVED] Proxmox 4.2 KVM Bridge packet loss

    Hi, I just recognized that i ahve massiv package lost problems with my newly configured proxmox host. PVE version: 4.2-11/2c626aa1 hoster: hetzner Kernel: Linux 4.4.8-1-pve I just setup check_mk for my monitoring and just recognized that i have a fluctuating packet loss of 2 - 35% on my kvm...
  5. R

    Promox 4.2 Ubuntu 15.10 and Asterisk

    Hi, I have a Ubuntu 15.10 Container on my proxmox 4.2 machine. in the ubuntu i installed asterisk: apt-get install asterisk now i have the problem that asterisk server crash all 5-10 seconds. see attached screenshot. any idea what i can do to fix this problem? is this a bug or a known...
  6. R

    Proxmox 4.2 cache problem with RAM

    Hi, I have a cache problem in proxmox. See attached screenshot! the cache size continues to increase. the problem is the cache will no cleanup automatically. and the problem is, if the ram space is full the proxmox system swap on the hdd. any idea why proxmox have so much cache size and will...
  7. T

    mysql not starting in LXC container

    Hi, i've set up a LXC container running Debian 8 along with MySQL. Everything was fine until i did a restart. Now mysql is not started automatically during boot. A manual try "service mysql start" has the following result: Job for mysql.service failed. See 'systemctl status mysql.service' and...
  8. K

    QCOW2 in Proxmox 4.2

    Hi, For some reason, QCOW2 appears to be taking the same space as RAW when a new VM is created. In previous versions (3.x) QCOW2 HDD would start from a minimum and then expand, i.e. I would set it to 100GB which would be the maximum and it would grow until that. It looks like in the new 4.2 by...
  9. V

    [SOLVED] Help needed in recovering node with ZFS mirror

    Hello! I have a problem with one node. After reboot it failed to start pve-manager and the services it said there is no free space left on /. So i managed to free about 300Mb removing unnecessary caches and packages but df said root is still 100% full. Then i took another drive installed clean...
  10. P

    [SOLVED] Bridge ageing time not configurable (brctl setageing .. / bridge_ageing 0)

    Since latest update to Proxmox 4.2 on 27 april 2016 setting parameter “/sbin/brctl setageing vmbr1 0” gives me the following error: “set ageing time failed: Numerical result out of range” I use this parameter in the following setup to get the ethernet traffic on my IDS (virtual host): Switch...
  11. G

    Resize availability on PVE

    Hi there We have created a Proxmox VE 4.2 cluster and discovered that support for DRBD9 is built-in. Nice work! When we tried resizing the volume of a VM we got the following error message: We were able to resize the volume using basic commands as described in...
  12. R

    Proxmox 4.2 Release Data (beta)

    Any information for the release date of 4.2 ? some date information? or is there some beta stuff? Best regards, Olli