
  1. M

    No Space Left on Device when restoring from tar.lzo

    Hello. I'm in the process of migrating all my VMs and containers from version 3.3.5 and 4.x of proxmox to version 5.4. On several occasions, I have run into errors on restore: tar: ./usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/ndg/httpsclient/test/scripts/openssl_https_server.sh: Cannot create symlink to...
  2. P

    Ubuntu VM Root Passwort vergessen

    Hallo, bin neu hier und hoffe Ihr könnt mir helfen. Ich verzweifele daran mich an einem Ubuntu VM anzumelden. Leider ist das Root Passwort nicht mehr auffindbar. Gibt es einen Trick dieses über den Host zu ändern ? Ich habe es schon mit dem Befehl "pct enter 500" versucht. Dann kommt die...
  3. D

    pct list endless

    Hi, on my Proxmox host I cannot run pct list anymore because it's endless and I don't have any output: root@node11:~# pct list (no return to console...) If I try to run it with strace I get one endless timeout but I cannot realize which program is creating it: root@node11:~# strace pct list...
  4. C

    pct start failed

    I installed Proxmox VE 5.1-38 on (OVH) They worked with 14 containers until I shutdowned them. After the shutdown they only start 12 containers I tried to start with pct start 120 results: Job for pve-container@120.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See...
  5. M

    pct df fails with error

    Greetings! I am trying to use 'pct df' to get free space for the container, but it fails. Please advise. # pct df 107 Insecure dependency in printf while running with -T switch at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/CLI/pct.pm line 403. # dpkg -S /usr/sbin/pct pve-container: /usr/sbin/pct # dpkg -S...
  6. D

    -ssh-public-keys flag to pct create

    How is the -ssh-public-keys flag to pct create intended to be used? Is the for setting up host keys or user keys? How can it be either when only the public key is specified?
  7. M

    400 too many arguments

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to add a disk to a container and it gives me this error: pct set 123 -mp0 mp =/server/shared,/mnt /nextcloud 400 too many arguments Can someone tell me how to solve it? Thanks in advance.
  8. T

    [SOLVED] Setting LXC user password with pct when calling from a script

    Hello everyone, I am looking for a non-interactive way to set the password for the root user (or any user really) when creating a LXC container from the official Proxmox Ubuntu 16.04 template using pct. For some background: I am currently trying to automate most of my homelab, including LXC...
  9. J

    pct restore wasting disk space

    Hi there, I found a problem in my backup strategy. I'm not sure what i did wrong. I have two remote proxmox nodes running 3 containers each one. The running containers on the first node are daily backed up in the second node and vice versa. The idea, is to have a restored recent version of each...
  10. Z

    [SOLVED] How to define lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus with pct?

    SOLVED: [appended 'lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus = 0,1 appended to /etc/pve/lxc/<CTID>.conf to get rid of the error as below in §1, fyi] Hi, 1§ I am getting the following error inside a ubuntu 16.04 container inside proxmox v4.4: "ufs: temp directory created at "/tmp/ufs" nodejs...
  11. A

    "pct" & "qm" hanging on most servers in a cluster

    Hello, I have been very slowly migrating my containers from the old style VZ containers to LXC, and while things got off to a rocky start, they have seemed to be working better lately, until, that is, today. This morning I went to go look at a node in the cluster, and I ran "pct list" and it...
  12. A

    [SOLVED] [PVE 4.3] How clone a container with pct

    Hi everyone, I discovered Proxmox (4.3) and I have one question for you. I would like update my LXC containers to Proxmox and mostly I used bash command lxc-copy and i would like find equivalent with Proxmox. When I try command pct clone in CT Proxmox; I always this answer : Same with LVM...
  13. N

    pct set (recursive mount)

    Is there a way to mount zfs directories recursively? It currently does not mount nested ZFS datasets, only the parent dataset, and the manual doesn't have that option https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/LXC_Bind_Mounts pct set 100 -mp0 mp=/target,/target/test
  14. R

    Shrink LXC Container

    Hi Everyone, My LXC Container have 1000 GB but I only need 150 GB. How can I shrink the storage? I used this pct resize 101 rootfs 150 unable to shrink disk size Can anyone explain me how can I shrink the LXC Container to only 150 GB. Best regards and thanks for help, Oliver
  15. R

    pct command password option

    Hey guys, I am trying to automate container creation by using pct command. Password option doesn't seem to work. So the command in question is: pct create 113 /var/lib/vz/template/cache/centos-7-default_20160205_amd64.tar.xz -password changeit 400 too many arguments pct create <vmid>...
  16. R

    LXC containers failed to start randomly

    Hi, I have a few servers with proxmox 4 (up to date) and a bunch of LXC running on them. Starting from 1 week I have problems with some LXC that do not start correctly anymore. At regular interval all LXC are stopped for doing some maintenance, and then started again. This is done using a cron...
  17. W

    pct has more cpu cores than it should

    hello folks, just upgraded from 3.4 to 4.1 and everything went rather smoothly. honestly i was expecting a late night but alas, well written directions produce excellent results.. never the less i have some issues specific to some new LXCs migrated from openVZ.. each of the 5 (restored) LXC's...