
  1. J

    macOS PCI/GPU Passthrough Troubles

    Hello, I have been attempting to solve this on and off for the better part of a week and finally caved and decided to ask for help. My macOS VM on Proxmox works perfectly up until I enable PCI Passthrough, where it gets stuck on the macOS loading screen without a progress bar where it...
  2. K

    OSX accepts only a specific number of cores

    I successfully installed OSX (BigSur and Monterey) on Proxmox v7.1-10. I have an intel 11700K (16 cores). I initially ran the VM with 16 cores allocated but after some time (15-30 minutes), the Mac OSX VMs freeze. I read that it's better to allocate a couple cores (2-4) for the host machine...
  3. L

    MacOS GPU Passthrough No Output ( HD 7850)

    Hi ! I'm really new to Proxmox and virtualization. After successfully install MacOS on proxmox at my home, i want to try install macos Catalina with Opencore on an old pc. Installation is a success but when i try to passthrough my GPU i've got a blank screen.. I try with Vmware compatible...
  4. L

    Audio Interface USB sizzling sound macos Catalina/ USB Passthrough not working.

    Hi, I'm really new to proxmox/linux and virtualization. I've installed macos and have a wworking gpu passthhough but i have an issue with my Audio Interface ( Scarlett 2i2). When a sound start ( like a notification or a video/music, the sound is horrible, saturated and sizzling.. So i can't use...
  5. J

    Strange CPU cores count limitation

    Hello. I already installed macOS using Proxmox on my rig. My CPU is 3rd Threadripper 3960x. I see little lags when I am using macOS and try to find reason. I found here that is not recommended use maximum cores of your CPU for VM (that was my case. I had set 3x16 cores) and now beginning my...
  6. T

    How to use a physical block for a VM

    Hi, apologies if it is a stupid question, I am a newbie to both proxmox and KVM. Is it possible to use an existing physical block for creating a VM? A bit of context: I am in the process of consolidating all home PCs into one Threadripper system. on my old PC I have one windows and one...
  7. M

    Access VM thru SPICE on OSX?

    I'm wondering if anyone has been able to use SPICE from an OSX (Macintosh) client. i have a Proxmox server running an Ubuntu18.04 desktop VM. I'd like to access this via SPICE from OSX, but I'm not finding a suitable client. anyone know how to get this working? Thanks Eric