
  1. T

    Monitors, managers and MDS duplicates in GUI

    PVE 8.1.10 After some updates, rebooting of the nodes, adding new nodes - I ended up with this: When I try to remove all instances, all disappears, but then when I create new ones, also those dead duplicates create. How can I clean this?
  2. L

    [SOLVED] How to remove old mds from ceph? (actually slow mds message)

    I had a failed node, which I replaced, but the MDS (for cephfs) that was on that node is still reported in the GUI as slow. How can I remove that? It's not in ceph.conf or storage.conf MDS_SLOW_METADATA_IO 1 MDSs report slow metadata IOs mdssm1(mds.0): 6 slow metadata IOs are blocked > 30 secs...
  3. G

    [SOLVED] Optimal number of Ceph monitor/manager/MDS

    Hi all, I'm currently running a cluster with 15 nodes and I plan to add more in the near future. As for Ceph I have 5 monitors, 5 managers and 5 metadata servers which currently manage 60+ OSDs. Do you advice to add more monitors/mangers/mds? Should I stick with odd numbers because of quorum...
  4. U

    ceph filesystem stuck in read only

    Hi, i'm looking for some help/ideas/advices in order to solve the problem that occurs on my metadata server after the server reboot. "Ceph status" warns about my MDS being "read only" but the fileystem and the data seem healthy. It is still possible to access the content of my cephfs volumes...
  5. A

    Problem with mds

    Hi all, I have a cluster with 3 nodes (pve, pve1, pve2) Here the version information: root@pve:~# pveversion -v proxmox-ve: 6.4-1 (running kernel: 5.4.157-1-pve) pve-manager: 6.4-13 (running version: 6.4-13/9f411e79) pve-kernel-5.4: 6.4-11 pve-kernel-helper: 6.4-11 pve-kernel-5.3: 6.1-6...
  6. A

    Ceph MDS reports oversized cache

    Hello, we've noticed some latency in the last month in our ceph cluster and when I checked ceph dashboard I found this warning in the attached file. As I understood this means mds_cache_memory_limit property is not configured correctly. Can that be the reason why we experience latency in the...
  7. K

    [SOLVED] cannot remove MDS

    Hello, I wanted to use the Cephfs (I'm still testing proxmox for migrating from XCP-ng). I then wanted to remove everything, but I ended up with a standby MDS (only) and I cannot remove it. It seems to be that the Host is 'Unknown' and when I delete/stop it, I have : "entry has no host" I...
  8. K

    ceph tooling fault when creating MDS

    good evening, i posted in another thread ( that was created on the same topic and just hopped on to it, but that thread seems to be dead. so i am trying my luck here to see if this is a general problem...
  9. C

    Ceph health status reports: Health error: 1 MDSs report slow metadata IOs, 1 MDSs report slow requests

    Hi, ceph health reports 1 MDSs report slow metadata IOs 1 MDSs report slow requests This is the complete output of ceph -s: root@ld3955:~# ceph -s cluster: id: 6b1b5117-6e08-4843-93d6-2da3cf8a6bae health: HEALTH_ERR 1 MDSs report slow metadata IOs 1 MDSs...
  10. C

    [SOLVED] MDS fails to start: unable to find a keyring on /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-admin/keyring

    Hi, I cannot start MDS services on active/standby node: root@ld3955:/var/log# systemctl status ceph-mds@ld3955 ● ceph-mds@ld3955.service - Ceph metadata server daemon Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ceph-mds@.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Drop-In...
  11. L

    Cephfs MDS only reachable in cluster network

    Hey, I am a little bit confused or maybe I am just missing a small detail. My plan is to deploy and mount a cephfs directory on a samba VM. Thus I created a MDS in the proxmox cephfs GUI but the address of the MDS is from my cluster network where the OSDs are communicating. Well, I tried to...
  12. L

    [SOLVED] Proxmox 5.3 CephFS Metadata Server creation fails

    I just upgraded to version 5.3 and tried to create multiple MDS for CephFS. However, an error occurs: Binary not installed: /usr/bin/ceph-mds (500) Is this intended? I cannot install it via apt. What is the issue here?
  13. A

    [Working notes] Ceph MDS on Proxmox 5.2

    Am posting this here in case anybody searches for this in the future. # # Install Ceph MDS on Proxmox 5.2 # ## On MDS Node 1 (name=pve11 / ip mkdir /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-pve11 chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-pve11 ceph...
  14. G

    Reclaim free space in CephFS

    Hey guys We are using ceph-fuse to mount a CephFS volume for Proxmox backups at `/srv/proxmox/backup/`. Recently, I noticed that the backup volume kept running out of free space and therefore the backup jobs were failing (we had a Ceph quota of 2 TB in place on the pool for safety reasons)...
  15. V

    Ceph, MDS, CephFS questions

    Good evening, Been trying to deploy MDS & CephFS by compiling a couple of very scarce threads from here & there. But no luck till now. Ceph-deploy tool does not work as expected and couldn't start the MDS after manually adding the [mds] section etc in ceph.conf Is MDS and CephFS management in...