mail notification

  1. D

    Proxmox sending emails without any SMTP config

    Hello, This is really strange. I have setup the latest version of Proxmox VE and just given my email address. Name servers are pointing to Google and the domain is x.y.z.loc, not existing in any DNS. I have updated crontab -e as root like this 30 5 * * * root /usr/bin/pveupdate &&...
  2. D

    Backup job -> "Send email" is sticky on "Always"

    Hi, I am using PVE v8.3.1, and I have a problem with backup job settings. "Send email" setting is sticky on "Always", I can't modify it : Is it a bug, or did I missed something ? Regards
  3. I

    Proxmox 8.3 without any mail log

    Hi ~ I'm new commer to proxmox ENV , i got two node with a cluster setup already , and mail log testing OK , but for now i don't receive any log for PVE alert or info notification i make sure the setting for mail sender is done ==>and can anyone give a suggestion or tips for this...
  4. N

    Setting up SMTP email results in error

    I recently sat down to finally fix email notifications. SMTP is the way I usually do such things, and I was happy to see it as an option in the gui. However I cant get it to work, even though I believe I have set things up correctly I only get the following error (and no emails): Could not test...
  5. W

    Mail after a Backup

    Hi, I'd like to receive an email when a backup ends with an error. I'd like to use my SMTP server to send an e-mail. How can I configure the mail (legacy) so that it uses my SMTP server. To connect to my SMTP server I need domain port 465 TLS user: XXXX pswd: XXXX Otherwise...
  6. X

    [SOLVED] use smtp to send ALL notifications

    Hello, I added an SMTP "Notification Target" from the notification screen it works fine (tested and mail received). I disabled the "mail-to-root" target as I wanted to use the SMTP target for all notifications. I also updated the notification matcher to use the SMTP target instead of the...
  7. P

    [SOLVED] Proxmox mail forward issues

    Hello, I want to setup some notifications through scripts utilizing the new Proxmox Notifications, but unfortunately I've been facing two issues. When I send a mail to root like this: mail -s "Test subject" "root@localhost" <<EOF Test mail content EOF I receive an email with the right...
  8. B

    Proxmox VE Notifications ignoring /etc/hosts (kinda)

    Due to some intricacies of reverse-proxy stuff (which I'm really not going to go into for security reasons), I have added an entry to the /etc/hosts file for every node in a particular Proxmox VE cluster. This is so that the FQDN of the SMTP server I am sending notifications through resolves to...
  9. K

    Cron <root@myhost.lan> /root/ sending email every time

    Hello Team! I have fixed a script that sends notifications 3 times a day to my ntfy client. The script is located in /root/ And then i wanted to try proxmox email notifications to get it to email instead. Removed cronjobs from everywhere. Succesfully fixed the email with postfix. And i...
  10. N

    E-Mail Notification: "Replication Job failed: got timeout"

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe vor kurzem zwei Nodes installiert, konfiguriert und in einen Cluster zusammengefasst. Node proxmox1 und proxmox2 haben jeweils ein paar VMs, für welche ich jeweils disk replication auf das jeweils andere Node konfiguriert habe. Die disk replication geschieht jeweils...
  11. W

    Load balancing: Only provide web interface on one node and email notification

    Hello! In the documentation it is said ( The second node can then be used as a quarantine host, that only provides the web interface to the user quarantine. 1. But I did not find a chapter, how to configure that - so can you...
  12. Z

    Notifications with custome SMTP

    Hi, How should I configure PBS notification system to sent mail with Datastore Verification Jobs and S.M.A.R.T. disk checks? I want to use my own mail domain.
  13. Denny Fuchs

    PVE6 | pvemailforward | pveupdate: node-03 sends mail to node-01 instead

    Hello, I have since update from 5 to 6 the problem, that the node-03 wants to send mails to node-01 .. instead of, what is configured on Postfix. We manage the whole Postfix configuration with Puppet, so every node is identical ... except myorigin = fra-corp-pmox-03.example.local Every node...
  14. I

    [SOLVED] Email alerts do not work!

    Hello everyone, I have a problem with email alerts from Proxmox. I tried to work according to several guides none of which helped / worked. Everyone gives the same instructions, I worked mostly according to this guide...
  15. X

    Extend email notification with AppRise support

    Hi all, Currently I am running a few Proxmox VE and Proxmox Backup Servers configured with email notifications. However, this setup doesn't work really well with Outlook. Almost every email from my Proxmox servers end in the junk mail folder even after marking a few emails from these machines...
  16. S

    [SOLVED] Full name in email notification instead of only "root"

    Hi! I filled the "First Name" and "Last Name" in Datacenter > Permission > Users for user "root". I also set up the Datacenter > Options > Email from address, but the notification in my inbox still only shows "root" in the "From" field. It needs 2 more clicks in most of mail clients to show...
  17. A

    [SOLVED] Cron keep flooding mail

    I did used a contab to get the cpu temp. But when i did used it, i did get flooded with mails from the "postfix" that the crontab was running. I did try to use the next things in crontab to stop the flooding, but nothing did work: * * * * * /root/ > /dev/null 2>&1 MAILTO= ""used at...
  18. L

    Success backup job mail notification

    Hey! I use PBS for a long time and have a question about notification. How could I setup mail notifications in PBS? I have to control successful and unsuccessful backup jobs Thank you. Backup Server 1.0-1