mac os

  1. P

    Q: Why is macOS CPU-perfomance massively below of Windows and Linux?

    Hi everybody I am observing a strange behavior on a freshly installed PVE 8.2.2 (Intel i5-7600K/4 cores, 64 GB RAM), which I have never noticed before. Two VMs are installed: macOS Sonoma (via luchina-gabriel/OSX-PROXMOX) and Windows 11. In both cases, the processor type is set to "Host" and...
  2. W

    [SOLVED] TimeMachine backups failing

    I just migrated my long running NAS system from TrueNAS Scale to Proxmox (8.2.4). Everything is working with the exception of my Mac backups. TimeMachine will run for a few minutes, copying files to the SMB share, before stopping ("The backup disk may have been ejected or disconnected from the...
  3. C

    iGPU passthrough VM

    Hi I just set up a MacOS VM according to this two guides: Sadly the part with the iGPU...
  4. D

    VM Launcher

    Hi all. I just finalized my project including win11 and macOS VMs. Now I was wondering if there is a solution to have something like a GUI launcher. In my ideal world I would start up my PC and would have a screen asking me what VM I would like to start. Is this possible? Alternatively I could...
  5. P

    MacOS Ventura: App Fenster minimieren sehr langsam

    Hallo Proxmoxer, da ich schon viel gesucht und ausprobiert habe aber noch keine Lösung gefunden habe, bitte ich euch um Hilfe. Ich habe eine VM mit MacOS Ventura erstellt die auch soweit performant läuft. Nur das minimieren von Programm-Fenstern und wieder vergrößern dauert bis zu 10 Sekunden...
  6. W

    MacOS VM single GPU passthrough not outputting to monitor

    Hi, I've been trying to set up a MacOS Big Sur VM (Ryzen 5 1600AF, 16GB of RAM on the VM, 32 on the host, RX580 sapphire pulse) and I've almost got it to work all the way, but I can't get the passed through (and only) GPU to output to a monitor connected to the host. I've gotten everything else...
  7. J

    macOS PCI/GPU Passthrough Troubles

    Hello, I have been attempting to solve this on and off for the better part of a week and finally caved and decided to ask for help. My macOS VM on Proxmox works perfectly up until I enable PCI Passthrough, where it gets stuck on the macOS loading screen without a progress bar where it...
  8. E

    I want to use RDP to connect to Windows VM running on a Proxmox server.

    How may I use Microsoft Remote Desktop to connect to a Windows VM hosted on Proxmox VE? I have the Windows VM hosted on a Proxmox server. The network configuration, as far as I can tell, goes like this: WAN ----> WiFi Router/Switch ----> Switch to NIC #1 (enp0s25) on server ----> enp0s25 to...
  9. D

    My host OS (VM) didn't get the connection from WiFi but my Proxmox was connected

    I just installed an OS on top of PVE (MacOS Big Sur to be precise). I have a Realtek WiFi dongle USB (RTL8188EU). I have configured my /etc/network/interfaces file with wlan interface set to dhcp with wpa-ssid and wpa-key enabled as well as using allow-hotplug. But if I started my VM, booting up...
  10. S

    execute qm monitor commands in shell script

    If I execute this below lines on proxmox shell to wakeup my mac os it works flawlessly but in shell script (.sh) it doesn't work qm monitor 503 system_wakeup quit I tried this code which is posted as solution in another question but it throws an error "2022/02/19 12:02:58 socat[6449] E...
  11. U

    Issue with USB pass through and shutting down VM

    I'm new to ProxMox and I've been messing around with installing VM's and I've also been successful with getting GPU pass through on other VM's such as Ubuntu and Windows 10. I have successfully installed and have Big Sur running, but when I try to do a GPU pass through with a USB pass through...