
  1. I

    Proxmox backup

    Hi all My setup is a cluster with 8 Proxmox nodes and storage on NFS shares exported from a Synology storage. My question is about backup: In order to minimize the impact on the storage, I have split the backup for each node in each day of the week. For each node I have chosen to exclud some...
  2. W

    Container specific vzdump config

    Hello everyone, I think (and hope) I have a relatively simple question: I have a container with a Jenkins installation which I'd like to back-up, but I don't want/need to backup the working directory. Is there a way I can set the vzdump exclude option for this container specifically? I tried...
  3. O

    [SOLVED] lxc and 'exclude-path' in /etc/vzdump.conf

    It seems to me that backing up a lxc excludes some paths per default as mentioned, but not explicit called, in [1]. But in my opinion excluding /var/log/* MAY be a bad idea as this excludes everything - although some programs are expecting existing log paths after restoring, apache2 for example...