
  1. M

    Information requst re: ESXi 7.x import to PVE 8.3.3

    I am one of the (possible) flood of former ESXi users, who will not doubt be asking questions here during their migration attempts. I have my PVE setup, zfs, working zpools and most of my virtual machines imported from ESXi, I have one VM that is particularly large, and it is on its way to my...
  2. T

    Windows Server not booting after migrating from VMWare

    So we are demoing Proxmox as a VMWare alternative for when the price increase finally hits us. I have moved a few VMs of lower importance and they seem to migrate and boot up with no issues by mounting the ESXI as storage and using the built-in import function. When I try with my Domain...
  3. E

    Unable to import Windows servers from ESXi

    I tested several ways to import a Windows Server 2019 VM from ESXi (version 7), here are the configs I was able to test: - processor: host / Disk : prepared for VirtIO / BIOS : SeaBIOS (my machine has no UEFI on Vmware )/ Machine : by default(i440fx) / SCSI controller : VirtIO =...
  4. A

    Device flags for `qm ovfimport`?

    Hi, I have a grip of ovf exports from a couple ESXi servers I need to import into Proxmox, and I was wondering if people have recommendations for flags to use during the import process I added devices manually on the first VM, which will be a pain if I have to do the next 10-12 of them that...
  5. P

    [SOLVED] Seeking advice for installation - LVM-Thin or ZFS

    I'm moving from an ESXi to Proxmox setup. The ESXi server is still running and I'll be migrating VM's from that to the new Proxmox box. Existing ESXi has a large (16tb) drive that contains a lot of files that I will need to migrate to the new box. I have a 20tb drive for the new box plus an...
  6. shep

    [RESOLVED] Error when accessing VMWare storage

    We are getting an error when trying to connect to VMWare storage: failed to spawn fuse mount, process exited with status 256 (500) This is only occuring on on one of 8 Proxmox nodes. The other nodes can access the storage fine and this particular one worked previously. Some output from...
  7. O

    Need Advise on Transfer Times

    Hello everyone! I'm a Vmware refugee like I suspect many others are also. I'm converting my first customer over to Proxmox. I have a couple of esxi VMs with large disks, 10T or so. When using the esxi converter, does it treat empty disk space any different than occupied disk space? For...
  8. C

    Can proxmox replace ESXi usb stick?

    I wanted to check is it possible to migrate ESXi by replacing usb stick with the one with proxmox. It kinda worked but I have problem with detecting Mega RAID. This is Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX1330 M2 and it have FUJITSU PRAID CP400i on board. I also have TX2550 M4 with some newer RAID controller but...
  9. S

    [SOLVED] ESXi Storage Fehler: Failed to spawn fuse mount

    Hallo, ich versuche gerade einen ESXi Storage hinzuzufügen, um VMs von VSphere zu importieren. Bevor der Storage überhaupt hinzugefügt werden kann, kommt der Fehler create storage failed: failed to spawn fuse mount, process exited with status 65280 (500) Ich habe folgendes bereits versucht...
  10. D

    Incorrect UUID after importing VM from ESXi?

    Last week I started using this great product and I'm in progress of migrating all of my VMs to the new proxmox software. For this, I used the functionality to import the VMs from ESXi directly. This works fine for Linux, but for Windows I had some issues to keep the activation working. At first...
  11. D

    Proxmox boot from ISCSI target boot file

    Hello, in our inviroment we have VMware ESXi installation through ISCSI boot target image (file) . All inviroment basic on tgtd and dnsmasq service which define boot target file and after installation all changes write to that boot image file. Everything is working ok, but we need to know if...
  12. B

    ESXi Import Timeout

    When trying to import from a slower ESXi host that has a larger number of virtual machines, 120-125 in my current situation, Proxmox fails to add the server in the storage list with a "Connection error - Timeout" message. This appears to be related to the 30 second timeout that is set in the...
  13. M

    ESXI To Proxmox VE

    Hallo Zusammen, wir haben einen Server mit 3 separaten Logical Volumes in Esxi. Soweit ich gesehen habe ist VMFS der Typ von den Logical Volumes. Wir würden gerne von esxi auf Proxmox umsteigen. Da es aber auf einfachem Weg für uns nicht möglich ist alle VM's auf einen Proxmox Server...
  14. P

    ESXi Import Wizard Error

    I am working on moving from a single free instance of ESXi to a single PVE server, using the same hardware.
As an interim step, I have installed PVE as a VM on the ESXi instance, and I am using a NFS share to import the VMs. The plan is to: Import all VMs from ESXi to the NFS volume, using the...
  15. S

    Adding ESXi Storage Causes ESXi to Become Unresponsive

    Let me preface this with the fact that we just updated our Proxmox host this morning. Last week after adding the <soap> parameters to ESXi's /etc/vmware/hostd/config.xml file, we were able to migrate some VMs to Proxmox. After updating our Proxmox host, we had a bunch of 'Find By Inventory...
  16. S

    Proxmox nested within ESXI

    Hi All, Firstly I will apologize for any rookie questions as I am quite new to Proxmox. I also have a bit of a complicated scenario, namely: I am currently running a number of workloads/VMs under ESXI 7. Given the recent VMWare licensing change I am looking to migrate to Proxmox Since I have a...
  17. P

    DHCP Network Interface for VM

    Hi, I'm having some trouble configuring the DHCP network interface with Proxmox VMs. Here is my network setup. Baremetal Server comes with ESXi 7 with one network interface (promiscuous mode enabled for vSwitch0). Here, I create two VMs. One pfSense 2.7.2 and Proxmox 8.1-2 ESXi Has two port...
  18. bbgeek17

    [TUTORIAL] Storage Controller Efficiency Data for Bandwidth-Constrained Workloads on Shared iSCSI Storage

    Greetings everyone, Good news! We've managed to carve out some time to compile the latest data set for our ongoing exploration of Windows 2022 server on Proxmox. Part 3: Computational Efficiency of Storage Controller Configurations under Constrained Bandwidth Workloads Expanding upon the...
  19. A

    How to migrate VMs from VMware Esxi to Proxmox?

    Hi, I need some help, I want to migrate many servers from VMware Esxi to Proxmox, but I have obstacles for the migration such as VMs on Esxi must be shut down first. Is there a way to migrate VMs from Esxi to Proxmox without having to shut down the original VM first, can it be said that it is...
  20. P

    Wie VMs migrieren auf neuen Proxmox Knoten

    Hallo zusammen, ich migriere derzeit meinen ESXI zu Proxmox - mittlerweile habe ich einen temporären Proxmox 8.1 installiert und auch schon alle VMs von ESXI zu Proxmox migriert - mittels scp und vm importdisk. Alle VMs laufen nun auf dem temporären Proxmox Server und meinen alten ESXI habe...