create container

  1. P

    Creating or converting a VM to LXC

    Olá Dev's, queria saber se é possível transformar uma VM em LXC? Se não, como posso criar um LXC com um sistema operacional (por exemplo, Oracle Linux)? Então, se eu puder montá-lo, disponibilizá-lo para a comunidade?
  2. T

    Debian CT startet nicht

    Hallo zusammen, ich bin absolut neu in der Arbeit mit Proxmox und versuche mich gerade an meinem ersten Projekt, dabei bin ich leider auf folgende Problem gestoßen: Ich habe auf einen Raspberry Pi 4B Pimox installier. Auf einer VM läuft Homeassistant. Jetzt wollte ich nach und nach mein...
  3. A

    Storage 'local' does not support container directories when creating new containter

    Hi, I apologize if bumping this thread. I am new to proxmox. I am currently working and using cli to create containter but the problem is I always encountered storage: storage 'local' does not support container directories command been used are the following pct create 100...
  4. E

    Container creation process

    Hello, Container creation process is completed in 5~8 minutes or unsuccessfully. I have never experienced this problem before,how can I solve this problem? Using default stripesize 64.00 KiB. For thin pool auto extension activation/thin_pool_autoextend_threshold should be below 100. Logical...
  5. D

    Can't upload to ceph storage

    Hi! I have Proxmox 4.2 cluster configured ( with ceph storage ( Proxmox version is root@prox1:/etc/pve# pveversion pve-manager/4.2-4/2660193c (running kernel: 4.4.8-1-pve) without...