
  1. O

    Proxmox-Cluster mit 2 Knoten, Probleme bei Niedergang eines Knotens

    Homelab-Umgebung. Ich habe ein Proxmox-Cluster mit 2 Proxmox-Servern aufgezogen, kein dritter Quorum-Client mit dazugehängt. Das Cluster war recht einfach einzurichten: cluster/pm1 (alle Vserver zuerst hier) cluster/pm2 (noch kein Vserver hier) Danach habe ich alle Vserver von pm1 nach pm2...
  2. E

    [SOLVED] Only run single node in cluster

    Hi, I have a two node cluster configured, home setup. I have a primary node with all the needed services running. The secondary node is actually empty at the moment and not really needed. I plan on building it up, maybe, and have it available to migrate things as needed. For the time being...
  3. A

    Adding QDevice fails

    Attempting to add an "external" QDevice. Output is as follows...not sure I understand how to fix this (and on which machine)? root@pve2:~# pvecm qdevice setup -f /bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/root/.ssh/" /bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to...
  4. N

    Should redundant corosync links be on seperate VLAN?

    After reading through PVE CM Redundancy, I am left wondering whether or not there is any reason not to use the same VLAN for the two separate physical corosync links? I see the example shows what presumably are separate subnets, but I see no explicit mention on whether or not such a logical...
  5. W

    Correct way to set MTU on a Corosync cluster network (pve 8.3)

    Looking for some guidance on the how to correctly set the MTU for a cluster with a dedicated / separate network for Corosync traffic. I have a (rather) simple setup of 3 pve nodes, each having 2 physical interfaces: enp65s0: A mellanox fiber nic. Used by corosync in ring config (see below) for...
  6. O

    (pvecm) qdevice setup fails, can't get fixed pve-cluster package.

    Recently, I've added multiple qdevices to several clusters running older versions of PVE without any issues, using command: pvecm qdevice setup -f and corosync-qdevice. Issue regarding certificate authentication. However, my latest 2-node cluster is running VE 8.2.2, where the...
  7. P

    Automatically reduce quorum nodes after partial cluster shutdown

    Hello, From what I see, the corosync uses max number of cluster nodes+1 as a quorum for the cluster. So in 11 node cluster, 6 is the quorum. This is logically ok, but in real life scenarios, I need to have part or cluster to shutdown, and if shut down part is 5, then one more node and cluster...
  8. E

    [KNET] link: host: X link: 0 is down - if a tree falls in a forest ...

    ... and nobody heard it, did it make a sound? How often (per month, year?) do you get the [KNET ] link: host: X link: 0 is down on otherwise healthy network in production dedicated redundant setups without losing quorum? Does anyone check? How many nodes are there in your cluster? Is that...
  9. G

    Adding Corosync External Vote Support

    Hi, thank you for accepting me into this community. I have set up a new cluster for production (my first non vSPhere cluster) and I am running into a little problem. Given that we have a 4 node cluster I wanted to add additional quorum following the Instructions from the manual...
  10. J

    Re-create cluster with just corosync.conf on nodes?

    PVE 8.2 I have configured a 4 node cluster, and am wondering if it is possible to just copy corosync.conf to /etc/pve/corosync.conf and /etc/corosync/corosync.conf to my nodes if i were to start from scratch (fresh install of pve) on all nodes. Would this create and "join" the nodes to the...
  11. A

    Node1 Unexpected Restarts Despite Configuration Adjustments - HA

    Hi everyone, I'm experiencing an issue where NODE1 in my Proxmox VE cluster is restarting when both NODE2 and NODE3 are powered off, even after I've made several adjustments to the corosync.conf configuration. Below is a summary of the setup and the steps I've taken: Configuration Overview...
  12. B

    Qdevice NR status (pvecm status)

    When i look at pvecm status i see that 3 of my nodes have NR status , that mean not reachebol, sould not all nodes have de status a,v,nmw? root@proxmox4-int:~# pvecm status Cluster information ------------------- Name: HCC-hobbynet Config Version: 27 Transport: knet...
  13. A

    Frequent Watchdog reboots

    I am relatively new to Proxmox and have a cluster running with 3 nodes, everything is currently working fine, cluster is up HA is running fine. The issue I face currently is that in case the cluster link goes down for let's say more than 10s, watchdog kicks in and reboots the server, this causes...
  14. F

    Corosync 2Nodes + QDev // Backup network design

    Hello together, I'd like to build a PVE HA Cluster out of 2 PVE Nodes and 1 QDev to get quorum. In order to get a nice and stable Corosync Link, I've a dedicated 1G NIC via Crossover LAN between the 2 PVE nodes. The QDev VM is a external hosted system and can't be connected via LAN. The Plan...
  15. F

    [SOLVED] Error when adding QDevice to existing cluster

    Hi everyone, I'm currently facing a problem when adding a QDevice to a 2-node cluster. Current cluster: 2x Proxmox VE 8.2.2 QDevice: 1x Proxmox Backup-Server 3.2-2 - I can remote from both nodes into PBS as root - corosync-qdevice is installed on both nodes - corosync-qnetd and...
  16. P

    Cluster Communication Issue

    Good morning, since setting up a cluster with 3 nodes (all running PVE 8.2.2), we've been experiencing an issue where they no longer communicate with each other after a maximum of 24 hours. The hosts are directly connected to each other via a switch. There is no load on the ports in the switch...
  17. S

    Half of the hosts in the cluster automatically restart due to abnormality

    I especially want to know what protection mechanism the PVE cluster has to allow the host to automatically restart. Environment: There are 13 hosts in the cluster: node1-13 Version: pve-manager/6.4-4/337d6701 (running kernel: 5.4.106-1-pve) Web environment: There are two switches A and B...
  18. D

    corosync file always go back to default

    Hi, i am using Proxmox with ZFS replication and HA, i have set the /etc/pve/corsync.conf: quorum_votes: 1 two_nodes: yes but everytime the pve1 crashes the pve2 stays on "waiting for quorum", when pve1 is online again the option is back to default, how to solve this?
  19. J

    Expected Votes CS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe ein Cluster konfiguriert, wo nicht alle Nodes die gleiche Anzahl an Votes haben soll. Grund dafür ist deren Standort. Soweit so gut. Allerdings werden nach aktueller Konfiguration 17 Votes benötigt um Quorum zu erreichen. Aufgrund der Konstellation reichen allerdings...
  20. E

    Of Shared Storage, SBDs, and Clustered VMs

    Hi all, I would like to cluster some VMs within my Proxmox Homer Lab, using Pacemaker and Corosync. i world then like to create a couple of Shared Storage Devices between the nodes, all sharing the same respective "physical" storage devices underneath. The idea is to create two, one being a...