
  1. F

    CloudInit no bootable device Proxmox 6.1-3

    This is an english version of an existing german topic, you can find it here. So here is my problem, I have a fresh Proxmox 6.1-3 VE Server and I wanted to make a template with Cloud-Init. I followed the instructions 1:1 provided by the Wiki and created my first template. Here is what i did: I...
  2. C

    After backups run, vm's come back up with read-only filesystems

    # pveversion pve-manager/6.1-3/37248ce6 (running kernel: 5.3.10-1-pve) I can't seem to figure out why this is happening, but every time our backups run, the vm's that were backed up come back up with read-only filesystems and I have to restore form the backup to get them working again. This is...
  3. P

    Debian 9 template

    Hi guys, I just want to clone a KVM Debian 9 virtual machine, it's just a stock image. I'm trying with cloud-init, I need for each cloned machine different hostname and IP address (manually setted), obviously different MAC address. I also need to execute a command and after that reboot the VM...
  4. A

    [SOLVED] Can't start VM - CloudInit - ISCSI LVM

    Hello, I have a 4 nodes cluster, sharing an ISCSI LUN with LVM on top of it. I've created a template that I use to clone VM and add a cloudinit drive. Everything works fine until I stop the VM (which has it's disk and clouinit on the shared LVM), it then complains that it cannot start : Use...
  5. J

    CloudInit Einrichtungsscript

    Hallo! CloudInit bietet die Möglichkeit ein Script beim ersten Boot auszuführen. Ich habe bis jetzt keinen Weg gefunden dies in Proxmox per GUI oder API einzurichten. Habe ich etwas übersehen? Wenn nicht würde ich gerne einen Feature-Request erstellen. CloudInit-Doku...
  6. C

    [SOLVED] cloudinit userdata runcmd

    I've successfully set up a cloudinit image, but in the GUI, there doesn't seem to be a way to use a `runcmd` to install software after a cloned image boots up. Is there some way to do something like: runcmd: - apt install qemu-guest-agent
  7. H

    Cluster VM Migration

    Hello everybody , i have a problem with migrating vm in cluster with mounted cloud init drive. When i want to migrate i have the following output: use dedicated network address for sending migration traffic (x.x.x.x) 2019-02-04 14:22:45 starting migration of VM 104 to node 'proxmox` (x.x.x.x)...
  8. C

    [SOLVED] After upgrade from 5.2-5, my server is now named "CloudInit"?

    I can't even imagine what I did wrong, but all I did was `apt get update; apt-get dist-upgrade`. After reboot, the server's name is "CloudInit" and it no longer has `/etc/pve` mounted. Even the hosts file is changed: root@CloudInit [~]: # cat /etc/hosts # Your system has configured...
  9. A

    Cloud-init and ifcfg-eth0

    Hi, I have a template on which cloud init is installed, I do fullclone from it and after that I change the ip and gw parameters. Option 1 - qm set 123 --ipconfig0 ip = / 24, gw = Option 2 Post request / nodes /% s /% s /% d / config in the body of which new parameters ip...
  10. A

    Cloud-Init Options

    I'm a bit confused about what cloud-init options are supported by Proxmox. The 5.2 announcement blog post says: However, the cloud-init docs make no mention of configuring mount points or post install scripts. What am I missing?
  11. M

    Custom Variables Tab in VM, Template, Container, Host, Storage etc.

    Hello, Is there a possibility to define variable, that is accessible by proxmox API in each object type like VM, Template, Container, Host or Datastore? If no, simple tab with key and value added to all objects in proxmox gui will be awesome, because this will allow to build extensions for...