
  1. E

    [SOLVED] [Workaround] How to refer via API to a downloaded image file stored in the images folder?

    I am trying to automate creation of my Ubuntu VM in Proxmox using Ansible, proxmoxer, and cloudinit. I've seen (old) tutorial videos download the Ubuntu cloudinit IMG file to the /var/lib/vz/images path and then successfully use the image file by using the volume name...
  2. S

    scsi disk inverted on Ubuntu 24.04 cloudinit image

    Hi, I'm using an ubuntu 24.04 cloud image from official repo. I do virt-customize actions and then push the setup by cli to proxmox to make a template. I need a disk for my system and another disk for my longhorn storage as this VM will be a kubernetes worker. - cloud init disk is scsi0 - my...
  3. F

    Block changing IP of VM when using cloud-init

    Hi, I have some VMs on my node and i'm using cloud-init to assign IPv4 to every VM. However it's possible to change IP from VM to IP of another VM. I want to block user being able to change IPv4 assigned by cloud-init, how the easiest I can do that? I was trying with ip filter but it didn't work.
  4. S

    Synchronization of Cloud-Init SSH Keys in Proxmox VE

    Hello Proxmox Support Team, I am currently using Proxmox VE and have a question about Cloud-Init. I understand that Cloud-Init is used to inject SSH keys into virtual machines during their initial boot. However, I noticed that when I remove the SSH key from the Proxmox interface after the VM...
  5. J

    Cloud-init VM with dhcp IP uses wrong hostname

    Hi folks- I'm new to Proxmox and I've run into a snag. I've got a script (below) to create a cloud-init template of Ubuntu Server (22.04 LTS), based on TechnoTim's video & blog. It creates the image, marks it as a template, and I even got it to resize the disk. The problem starts after I clone...
  6. M

    IPV4 is not configured on Windows 2016 via CloudInit

    Hi. I previously used the instructions in this thread And was able to configure the local machine, all successfully, machines copied and addresses successfully assigned. I am now working with a public server where I have been given an address pool and network configurations set up. I was told...
  7. S

    Api command in node

    Hello, I would know how to execute this command 'qm set 123 --ipconfig0 ip=,gw=' in a node with the API. If you know how to do it differently (With the API) I would know it too. It's to configure the ipconfig in cloud in it on a VM I just deploy (with the API)
  8. U

    CloudImg VM won't boot, stuck at "starting serial terminal on interface serial0"

    I'm trying to automate the creation of VMs using cloudimg's and I've got a template and a clone created, but the clone VM won't start it just says "starting serial terminal on interface serial0". This is my script: wget...
  9. W

    Cloud-Init LUKS VM Setup?

    Hello all, I have seen an understand the benefits of setting up a base image/template with Cloud-Init, so similar VMs can very easily be setup when needed. My question is... can these Cloud-Init template/images can be setup with LUKS encryption without losing any features? Will it still be able...
  10. powersupport

    Windows 2022 template

    Hi, I am trying to create a windows 2022 template for Proxmox, but there is an issue. the IP from cloud-init drive not getting into server. Already enabled qemu guest agent and Cloudbase init, but still IP not retrieving into the server. on the other hand, other templates(windows 2016 and 19)...
  11. M

    Cloud init img support LVM

    Hi! I have install proxmox pve 6.3, works very well, great job. I've interested in cloud init, is flexible, speed and very customize automatization. In the example: Works well with ubuntu, but the VM not include LVM support and for increase...
  12. J

    [SOLVED] "Can't live migrate VM with local cloudinit disk" but cloudinit is on cluster storage

    I suspect that cluster storage which is the same on each node, is not defined as "shared storage", which would be a central storage that each node connects to and shares. However, why can the migration be done with pool1:vm-101-disk-3 but not with pool1:vm-101-cloudinit ? Thanks in advance.
  13. D

    regenerate cloud init image using ansible

    Hi, I want to deploy from a Proxmox Host a VM that is convertet to a template to clone other VMs out of these. the Templating role works fine but if i clone the template with ansible, starting the VM and want to sign in the preset login combi don´t work, but if i click on the "Regenerate Image"...
  14. F

    [SOLVED] Windows cloud init latency

    Hi. I have created a windows 2019 cloud init image, following this tutorial, and using that image, I've created a VM using cloud init parameters for network and setting password. The VM works, but there is a big problem. It takes around 10 minutes for cloud parameters to apply. That is how log I...
  15. R

    can't live migrate VM with local cloudinit disk

    Hallo zusammen, ich möchte eine VM, die auf einem local ZFS Storage liegt auf eine andere Node migrieren. Sie hat eine Cloudinit-Disk an IDE2 angehängt, die ebenfalls auf dem lokalen ZFS liegt. In der GUI gibt es im Migrations-Dialog dann die Info, dass die lokale Cloudinit-Disk eine...
  16. N

    Can't Start VM : Image is not in qcow2 format

    When I made a system image and purchased the automatic activation product from whmcs, the automatically created parameters were correct, but the VM could not be started, and the disk was also qcow2 Use of uninitialized value in split at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/QemuServer/ line 99...
  17. C

    How do I properly prepare a Cloud-Init image for CentOS 7?

    Hello everyone, I'm struggling to properly prepare a CentOS 7 Cloud-Init image, there doesn't seem to be an already prepared image like on Ubuntu and many tutorial are extremely different from each other and I just can't find a way to do this... I've searched for so many tutorials, yet none of...
  18. C

    Cloud-Init Windows Server

    Good morning, everyone, I wanted to ask if anyone has experience with Windows Server installations via Cloud Init. Is it even possible? Thanks for your help!
  19. C

    Shrink HDD of cloudinit template

    Hello, I'm trying out cloudinit to deploy our VMs and so far everything is working fine. I've followed the tutorial in the doc to create the template which worked fine. The template had a 3GB HDD (scsi0). I wanted to extend the disk of another VM and by accident I extended the disk of the...
  20. U

    Automate deploying Windows Server 2019 with Terraform and Cloudbase-init

    Good evening Proxmox community, I use the Terraform-proxmox-provider for automated deploying of Windows Server 2019 instances. I prepared a Windows Server 2019. Installed Cloudbase-init and configured the cloudbase-init.conf and...