cloud backup

  1. tuxis

    Einführung unseres Proxmox Backup Server-Dienstes in Deutschland!

    Der Proxmox Backup Server Service von Tuxis wird bald mit Speicher in Deutschland verfügbar sein! Ab dem 1. Juni können deutsche Proxmox VE-Nutzer den Dienst nutzen. Derzeit ist der Proxmox Backup Server nur in den Niederlanden mit großem Erfolg verfügbar, und ab dem 1. Juni werden wir unseren...
  2. J

    Proxmox Backup Server Synchronization the Same on Site A and Site B

    So I have an on premises Proxmox Virtual Environment with VMs on it, this gets backed up to another on premises Proxmox Backup Server which then gets Synced offsite to a Remote Location. This Remote Location then gets synced to an Offsite Location with ZFS Redundant Storage for further security...
  3. P

    Backup Job zu Cloud Storage Probleme

    Guten Morgen, aktuell bin ich dabei eine Art Offsite Backup zu organisieren. Habe dazu eine Hetzner Storage Box angeschafft und diese per fstab direkt an den Backup Server gemountet. Danach bin ich hingegangen und habe diesen im Proxmox Datacenter als Storage hinzugefügt. Da die...
  4. R

    Backups cloud

    Hello everyone, I installed Proxmox Backup Server, and I'm performing backups perfectly. However, I would like to save this data in the cloud, and I don't have the resources to purchase a server in the cloud. I have a mega account, and I can install a mega agent on the PBS server and upload the...
  5. R

    AWS tape gateway? or something else?

    I am looking for suggestions. I have a small number of VM's that are critical for me and I want to offsite my backups to AWS. I would really like to use an amazon Tape Gateway, This makes sense to me because I already have a stack of LTO5 tapes that will need to be migrated. I know there have...
  6. T

    Request: how to backup PBS to gdrive? What strategies do you use?

    I'm using PVE locally as a desktop. My current backup startegy: PVE > NAS > gdrive (over Goodsync in WIN10 ((( ) and direct VM backups to gdrive and onedrive. I want something more solid! Local PBS + cloud seems best for me. I have gdrive unlimited and 1tb onedrive, so would be perfect to use...