
  1. M

    NFS behaviors

    Hi there all, I've tried to research on that subject although came empty net. How would VMs that are running on NFS storage behaves in case of "momentary" storage loss? I'm trying to figure indeed if Proxmox would buffer IOPS for some times before dead'ing paths. I bet the safest would be to...
  2. O

    LXC and tvheadend - Continuity counter error

    I have a tvheadend LXC on my PVE7 which is (was) working excellent for years. Since a few months I'm expecting "Continuity counter errors" within tvheadend's log after watching or recording live TV for ~10 minutes, which are visible/hearable as hickups, garbage and artefacts in the video and...
  3. D

    Pfsense on Proxmox - buffer I/O error

    So I have the following problem. I would like to virtualise my pfsense in Proxmox and I try to do this on my "MSI MAG B550 TOMAHAWK" which has 2 network interfaces. The only problem is that when I try to integrate these 2 network interfaces and start the pfsense I get the following problem...
  4. S

    VM laufen voll im RAM

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe das Problem das meine KVM VMs im RAM voll laufen. Ich allokiere z.B. 4GB RAM und setze 2GB RAM als Ballooning ein. Nach kurzer Zeit sagen wir mal X Stunden ist der RAM bei 3,6GB (laut Proxmox) gefüllt. Auf der Console kann ich gut erkennen das vom wirklichen RAM nur...
  5. T

    buffer i/o error on dev zd96

    This error appears after I restart the server and Windows 10 VM are not responsive, couple of programs that I use for work does not work. Could anyone help me diagonse this problem. I have plenty of space on my hard disk so it has be something else that I am not aware of.
  6. G

    Buffer I/O errors

    LS, I've been having trouble with my Proxmox 5.2-2 machine; VM's are acting up, displaying an exclamation mark and "running (io-error)" next to Status in the Summary screen. Shutting down the Proxmox machine takes a good 4 minutes. Shortly after boot a long list of Buffer I/O errors is...