backup and restore

  1. C

    Guidance on shrinking boot-pool from 500Gb

    Since I was used to Truenas and other installations having a pretty robust host backup mechanism that doesn't require routine full HD images, I installed PVE on a 500Gb mirrored boot-pool. I've learned that restoring a PVE host configuration is somewhat cumbersome and rough. I have a cron job...
  2. S

    Corrupted block detected in backup with clean logs - can`t restore it

    Hello guys, I have a problem with backup with corrupted block on a 123 GB position (whole backup is 500 gb), and this corrupted fragment makes unpacking/restore of a whole backup impossible, although other blocks are fine. I do not understand fully the situation, how blocks got corrupte cause...
  3. Y

    Proxmox-NUT Homelab HOWTO - Step 7 : Setup Backup Endpoints / Backup / Restore

    In this step we go over how to setup various backup endpoints in Proxmox. We backup a Windows VM, purge it and then restore it back from the backup. We cover topics such as backup modes and the scheduler.
  4. M

    why my VM backup doesn't contain vm disk?

    Hi I want to transfer my VMs from my old HP g8 Server (proxmox 8.2.1) to my new HP g9 Server (proxmox 8.3.1), but when I backup my VM on old server, the backup doesn't contain VM disk, only contains configuration files, my VM disk size is 150GB but my available backup storage is 85GB, Can be...
  5. S

    Proxmox Backup Error : tmpdir' does not exist

    Hi ! I sync my TruNAS with promox its getting data and drive info. However when try back up any VM or conteinr see same issue error: TASK ERROR: tmpdir '/mnt/NFS_Home/pve-server/pve-backups/tmpdir' does not exist output of mount | grep tmp Also seeing promxox created folders on TrueNAS when...
  6. L

    [SOLVED] Backup works before restore. backup failed after restoring LXC

    So I was testing out my backups by deleting one of my LXCs and restoring it. I was able to restore my LXC from my NAS (NAS added as a store in PVE) via the Shell. Everything works except when it tried to perform a backup job to my NAS it failed. This is an unprivileged container. Before...
  7. D

    Backup job -> "Send email" is sticky on "Always"

    Hi, I am using PVE v8.3.1, and I have a problem with backup job settings. "Send email" setting is sticky on "Always", I can't modify it : Is it a bug, or did I missed something ? Regards
  8. J

    Backup of large VMs - splitting backup files

    Original post from the DE support board translated: After this I was informed in a now deleted comment that there is no functionality like this and using Proxmox Backup Server was recommended. Our Proxmox Backup Server deployment is in the works but will still take some time, so we need a...
  9. S

    Backup Strategie

    Moin Allerseits, Ist mein Erster Thread und bin neuer User direkt mit einer Frage. Zwar wie ist eure Backup Strategie eigentlich und ist meine Sinnig ?. Bin mir nicht Sicher ob meine Sinnig ist oder richtig durchdacht. Hab ein Proxmox VE Server mit einen PVE Knoten, dieser läuft in ein LFS...
  10. M

    vzdump namespace support when used with pbs.

    Hello, Currently vzdump on PVE has no namespace support, but instead relies on having the backup storage linked with a namespace in the storage configuration. While this is probably a perfectly fine option for some. In our case this would mean we need to connect roughly 600 storage drives to...
  11. T

    Ways to restore only some HDs from a vzdump or avoid deleting in case of errors

    Hello everybody! I come here with a question about a problem I'm having! I'm migrating several VMs from a Proxmox Cluster to another new, updated one with ZFS replication, but in my largest VM I'm encountering a headache (luckily the node where the VM is is still active for Monday, if the worst...
  12. B

    PVE 8.2.2 Node Backup/Restore

    Hi, I have been looking for a way to backup my PVE without backing up all of my VM's since I already have a way to back those up. I have tried to use the built in backup function but cannot seem to be able to backup and restore just the node, all I can restore is the VM's and when I exclude all...
  13. I

    How do I configure the following backup schedule/option with proxmox?

    Hello everyone. I want to have following backup schedule/option with proxmox. At 1:30AM weekly on Saturday at 1:30AM the script gracefully shut downs the VM and waits until it is powered off Takes full backup (not snapshot) of the VM Once backup is taken, powers on the VM Keeps last 3 backups...
  14. D

    Restoring a Node with CEPH OSD’s and Crush Map

    Greetings, I’m about to spin up a Proxmox Backup Server on dedicated hardware for the first time. I already have all of my VM’s and LXC’s backing up to my NFS storage so I’m not worried about those. They should fence anyway if a node goes down. Even if they don’t fence, those backups are...
  15. B

    Feature Request - Maintenance Windows for Backup Jobs

    This post is to start discussion for a Feature Request I just filed for Maintenance Windows for Backup Jobs : I tried to make it as useful a request as I could. If you have anything you want to add to it, thoughts on the matter, or whatever...
  16. F

    Backup and restore cluster and Ceph

    Hi, i must restore an old 3 node cluster. Which dirs do i have to backup for the cluster restores exactly like was before (configuration, files...). Which is the correct procedure to recover it? Thank you
  17. S

    Host Disk Migration

    Id like to swap the disk, that Proxmox runs on, in my installation. I found these two links: 1. 2. 1. - Indicates that PBS still cant backup PVE config. Is this...
  18. S

    Wechsel von Proxmox VE 6.4-13 zur aktuellen 8.1 Stable - Backup restore

    Hallo, ich habe eine relativ alte ProxMox Installation und überlege auf die aktuelle Version zu wechseln. Ist es möglich die Backups (mit 6.4-13 erstellt) einfach wieder herzustellen? Ich habe 3 VM (debian-11.1.0-amd64-netinst und ubuntu-22.04.3-live-server-amd64) und 3 LXC...
  19. T

    Remove local-lvm and increase local

    I wanted to show the steps that I took to accomplish this task. I am a real beginner to Proxmox, and I struggled with the idea of changing the disk partitions using a live disk and GParted, etc. So, I looked for an easier method for me to do this, and I hope this helps someone. I had...
  20. A

    CTs migration from 4.x to 8.x with vz restore from backup fails

    Hello, I have a customer that has proxmox 4.x that i inherited with 2 CTs on it and I need to migrate those 2 CTs to new proxmox 8.x environment. I am facing some problems I don't know how to get by. I created backups of both CT machines on old proxmox and copied backups to new proxmox...