
  1. N

    [SOLVED] API question

    Hi there, I try to automate few things within the Proxmox Backup Server and I'm missing one important endpoint: How can I get all Backups (with IDs, Notes etc.) of a namespace? Best regards
  2. J

    Proxmox api problem

    Hello, I have created a client area to automatically create a vm when a client order one. The code is written in php and I am using the zzantares proxmox php library. Here is the code of the creation in the proxmox side of my vm : public function createVM(string $id_service, int $userid, int...
  3. L

    Reused VMID vs. API current status

    Hi, the thing about reusing/uniqueness of VMID have been discussed several times here. But I have found strange behavior related to API. Imagine following scenario: 1) create VM having VMID = 100 and call /api2/json/nodes/<NODE>/qemu/100/status/current => data as object are returned 2) remove...
  4. C

    Missing VM info when calling API through Ansible

    Running Proxmox 8.2 on 3 nodes (bare metal) and deploying everything with Ansible. For some reason, it works fine for all VMs, except one. I deploy my VMs with Ansible using a Debian 12.5 genericcloud based template VM, except one VM that is deployed manually by cloning an Ubuntu 24.10 based...
  5. K

    Proxmox VE API and CORS problem

    Hello, I am trying to query the Proxmox API via an API key from a Blazor Webassembly app. I can't seem to get it work, I am always denied via CORS. I did try the two proposed solutions from this thread but none of them seem to work for me. I am quite new to web frontend development, so all...
  6. L

    POST 501 Not Implemented (GET API calls working, POST not)

    Hi. My client is using Proxmox VE 8.1.4. Currently, I have been in webapp development using Proxmox API to maintain cluster/nodes/qemus. I am authenticated via API Token of PVE user but I tried PVE username/password with ticket/cookie/CSRF prevention as well and following behaves the same...
  7. I

    sshkeys (ciuser) to an VM endpoint (format error)

    I receive following error from the Proxmox-API (v8.1.10): {"sshkeys": "invalid format - invalid urlencoded string: ssh-rsa%20AA.................................%20eom\n"}}, "msg": "Status code was 400 and not [200]: HTTP Error 400: Parameter verification failed.", "pragma": "no-cache"...
  8. A

    API call response null

    Hi all, following the guide at https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Proxmox_VE_API#Ticket_Cookie I just tried to start my LXC container: 1. Call: curl -k -d 'username=api@pve' --data-urlencode "password@/Volumes/Daten/pw.pve" https://pve.lan:8006/api2/json/access/ticket 2: Response...
  9. A

    Understanding ENUM type in API

    Hello everybody, I'm trying to understand some stuff about the API and I'm struggling using certain API options that are ENUM type... As an example, the subnet "type" option in the SDN field (https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/api-viewer/#/cluster/sdn/vnets/%7Bvnet%7D/subnets) Maybe this topic...
  10. O

    [SOLVED] Hi, i know proxmoxer is not developed by the proxmox team but

    Is it possible to post from within a flask application for example how do i start a container on button press.? i guess what i am asking is how this is done with proxmoxer api i can't find an example.
  11. B

    Is there a configuration that can extend the wait time for a one-time VNC connection?

    My web application always use ten seconds to connect the vnc .As a result ,my noVnc can't connect the vm Instantly. So I want to now is there a config file to extend the wait time for a one-time VNC connection.
  12. T

    [SOLVED] Setting up LibreNMS on Proxmox Backup Server, missing libpve-apiclient-perl

    Hi There, Simple enough problem, there is a package that is available in the PVE repository that is not available in the PBS repository and I'm wondering if there is an alternative that I should be using which is more specific to PBS or if I need to install this package manually by running...
  13. T

    API Reboot der Node funktioniert nicht

    Hallo, ich habe bereits http-API Befehle für meine einzelnen VMs eingerichtet, aber es gelingt mir nicht, das ich auch die Node "proxmox" herunterfahre oder reboote. Ich wollte das eigentlich über dieses Skript lösen: #!/bin/bash # Host-Informationen pve="proxmox.fritz.box" node="proxmox"...
  14. A

    Interacting with API…

    I know you can curl your host, to get a CSRFPreventionToken and Ticket for auth. Is that the *only* way to authentication for API stuff? or can you use an API token for it instead? (specifically for interacting with the API, not just regular usage) Thank you in advance!
  15. M

    API get storage with content images

    Hi. I'm trying to write a script to calculate the sizes of the VM's disks in order to create an automated report of vm consumption (with cpu/ram/disk). With /api2/json/cluster/resources I only get the boot disk size which is not enough. The idea is to get the data from API and insert it into a...
  16. P

    get individual per vm disk info via api

    Hi, through pvesh get /cluster/resources it is easy to pick up the info I need for our backoffice. Except for 1 thing... if a VM has more than 1 virtual disk assigned, I'd like to get info (path, size etc) from all disks, not an aggregate. Am I blatantly overlooking the info or is that not...
  17. A

    How does the PVE API work if API node is down?

    Hi, I'm trying to build a 5-node cluster (which will be expanded in the future) and a Python wrapper for PVE API to create/delete VMs/CTs. From my understanding, I need to send the API request to one of my HVs/nodes in the cluster. But what if that specific HV is down? How can I make this...
  18. S

    Backup-Monitoring per Powershell-Skript

    Servus zusammen, ich teste gerade den Proxmox-VM-Server und den Backup-Server. Was mir noch wichtig wäre ist, dass wir die Backups monitoren können... Wir nutzen als Monitorings-Software die Riversuite von Riverbird. Riverbird hat mir nur ein Standard-Skript gegeben (Powershell) das die...
  19. K

    [SOLVED] Proxmox VE API /api2/json/pools optional field "members" empty

    HI! I was trying to find out which pool is connected to a VM-ID by searching with the VM-ID. In theory I should be able to use the /api2/json/pools API call to return the pool-id and the data of it's members, where I could find the VM-ID and backtrace it to the pool. The documentation states...
  20. K

    Proxmox VE API /api2/json/pools optional field "members" empty

    HI! I was trying to find out which pool is connected to a VM-ID by searching with the VM-ID. In theory I should be able to use the /api2/json/pools API call to return the pool-id and the data of it's members, where I could find the VM-ID and backtrace it to the pool. The documentation states...