
  1. D

    How to find out if a clone is complete via the api.

    Here is the cluster log: "msg": "end task UPID:temppve:0034DAC7:06B4A3DE:67C8E109:qmclone:10000:foundry@pve!foundryapi: OK", it only shows the template vmid and not the target vmid. I am trying to figure out how to test of the clonning of a specific vmid is completed. The task log doesn't...
  2. D

    VM Restore via the api

    I am trying to find in the api docs a way to restore a vm from a backup created using vzdump endpoint in the api. I see snapshot role back but I don't think that is what I am wanting. How do I go about doing the restore via the api. AI is telling me to use...
  3. D

    cloud-init snippets hostname is no longer the vm name

    I am using the proxmox api to clone a template. When I create a custom user snippet with all the same information from the cloud init file when created from the gui and adding to it, customization commands. proxmox no longer makes the host name the same as the vm name. Is there a way to bring...
  4. A

    API remote_migration - VM locked

    Hallo zusammen, ich spiele gerade etwas mit der API und dem thema remote migration. An sich klappt alles - also das kopieren einer VM bzw. eines Templates mittels API auf einen anderen Cluster. Mein Problem ist nur, dass die VM nach der migration auf dem source node als "locked" gekennzeichnet...
  5. D

    How to get more details of an api error

    I am trying to clone from a template via the api. I am getting a generic error back Request failed with status code 500 Is there a way to get more details to help me debug my api calls?
  6. H

    Issue with API authentication - 401 Unauthorized

    I'm having an issue authentication my API calls with my Proxmox instance. I looked through the Proxmox VE API Authentication wiki however I'm having trouble progressing through the 401 Unauthorized error. If I try to hit the API via curl -k -d 'username=root@pam' --data-urlencode...
  7. D

    Ceph Restful permissions and security concerns

    Hello, I recently configured Ceph supervision with Zabbix. to make the superversion working, i applied the following permissions on each mgr: ceph auth caps $mgr mds 'allow *' mon 'allow * 'osd 'allow *' However, I'm concerned about the excessive permissions. Should I be worried about the...
  8. M

    API: get running replications (before node update)

    Hello, currently I'm writing an ansible / python / proxmoxer update script for my 2,5-node(*) cluster using the webapi for proxmox. Before I start an update for a node, I set the maintainence mode and disable all replication jobs. I can get all replication jobs via webapi - but how can I check...
  9. K

    Proxmox api "Resources"

    Hi! in the web there is a display of the summed resources of the cluster I studied the api documentation and did not find the final entry point to this data, maybe I was looking badly? I am interested in exactly the data that is on the screenshot I know how to get them with a script, but it...
  10. E

    Proxmox API, check qemu installed and extract tags

    Hey, I have 2 questions about using Proxmox API: 1. Running nodes/{pve}/qemu/ return list of all my vms, but running {node}/qemu/{vmid}/agent is limited to machine with qemu-guest-agent installed. Is there a way to check (with API commands) which machine has qemu-guest-agent installed? 2. I know...
  11. D

    Proxmox API - NoVNC webconsole issues

    Hi All, I've written a web based manager for Proxmox using the API of Proxmox to access a LXC console. However, I'm missing something: When using the newly created web based manager (in php) all info is correct but an error is thrown when connecting to the console: Connection failed (Error...
  12. E

    Container console on an external site (via API)

    Hello! I’ve done several searches, and I must admit I’m completely lost. I would like to do the following: When I’m on a page of an external website (site.fr), API requests should be sent to my Proxmox. The requests sent should allow me to retrieve the console of a container (or a virtual...
  13. P

    PVE Tokens, API, and Hookscripts

    I'm trying to use Ansible to manage VMs in Proxmox - specifically attach hookscripts as necessary. The hookscripts are valid and attach just fine via "qm set <vmid> --hookscript..." when run on the local PVE node. The issue is going through the Ansible provider, or rather the API in general I...
  14. K

    Unable to Integrate noVNC with Proxmox in iframe or Incognito Tab - 401 Unauthorized Error

    Hi Proxmox Community, I’m trying to integrate the noVNC interface provided by Proxmox into an iframe or access it via an incognito tab. However, I’m encountering a 401 Unauthorized error. Here’s the URL I’m currently trying to use for VNC access...
  15. K

    Issue: 401 Permission Denied - Invalid PVEVNC Ticket when Using /vncwebsocket API

    Hi everyone, I'm currently using the Proxmox API to create a VNC proxy connection for accessing a container's console. Here's the workflow I'm following: Step 1: I use the /api2/json/nodes/{node}/lxc/{vmid}/vncproxy API to generate a VNC proxy ticket and port. This step works fine, and I...
  16. N

    Using the API to install HTTPS certificates on PBS

    My acme certificates are managed by my OPNsense VM and I have successfully used a plugin supplied by them to install certificates on the PVE servers via the API at https://${_target_hostname}:${_target_port}/api2/json/nodes/${_node_name}/certificates/custom Is there a way to do the same thing...
  17. R

    nginx reverse proxy disables pve upstream on 500 errors?

    I have PVE running behind an nginx proxy ... seemingly working well ... until an API request is made that throws a 500 error ... a response like this comes back from PVE to the nginx proxy: HTTP/1.1 500 no such resource 'ct:103' Cache-Control: max-age=0 Connection: close Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2024...
  18. M

    AWS Route53 ACME plugin configuration with Proxmox API

    Hi everyone, I've been automating my Proxmox configuration with the help of the Proxmox API. Here are the docs I'm working from; https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/api-viewer/index.html In particular, per the subject of this post, I am facing an issue with successfully setting up the ACME DNS...
  19. V

    API equivalent of qm importdisk

    Currently I use `qm importdisk 9000 jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk-kvm.iso <Volume Group>` during VM creation. Now would like to use VE API for the same. What is the equivalent for that command with API.
  20. B

    Automatically create file in CT

    Hey, I'm fairly new here and have the following concern: I have a pre-built LXC from which others are cloned (quasi template). However, two additional files are needed that have different contents for each CT (same structure, but different variables that are needed for a script). Is it possible...