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  1. R

    PCI Pass-through: iommu & vfio on 8.2

    Kind of confusing - because there are still many references around (like here: Thomas-Krenn) which leads you to believe it's still relevant. I have several machines in my cluster which have been upgraded over time and still have those entries in /etc/modules - Guess it doesn't hurt . . . :rolleyes:
  2. R

    PCI Pass-through: iommu & vfio on 8.2

    I noticed that iommu is enable by default and no longer requires the "intel_iommu=on" boot parameter - are the vfio modules still required? In the past we always had to add: vfio vfio_iommu_type1 vfio_pci vfio_virqfd to /etc/modules file ??
  3. R

    Vor- und Nachteile: VLAN in proxmox oder in opnsense anlegen?

    Was für ein Prozessor? Ich hab ein R86s gerät mit N5105 CPU (Amazon) - mit 16GB Ram - direkt von die OPNSense VM, Ich kriege 580MB beide Richtungen mit Speedtest-CLI - aber von VLANs und WLAN Ich kriege ungefähr 400MB im schnitt ?!?
  4. R

    Vor- und Nachteile: VLAN in proxmox oder in opnsense anlegen?

    Kurze Frage dazu - welche von die 3 Optionen sind am performanste ?!? Hat jemanden es getestet?? Ich bin zurzeit beim Option2 und kriege nicht die ganze dürchsatz von mein 600MB Glasfaserleitung . . . Danke vorweg!
  5. R

    Best practice - Migrate existing cluster NW to SDN ?

    Thanks Stefan! The documentation is a bit high level - but I've watched a few videos online and have the general understanding. I guess it would have been helpful for those of us who have legacy installations and want to "migrate" or convert to the SDN features - and know what is best...
  6. R

    Best practice - Migrate existing cluster NW to SDN ?

    I thought as much - Appreciate the offer, but my config is a bit convoluted! Maybe you can just give general pointers as best practice reference . . . ?!? Cheers, Robert
  7. R

    Best practice - Migrate existing cluster NW to SDN ?

    This might be a newbie question: I have a five node cluster which I started with Proxmox 7.1 and subsequently updated to the latest 8.1.11 - I have up to now manually configured each node with it's own network settings (different machines & HW) Now that SDN is in full swing, is there a simple...
  8. R

    Best practice - Migrate existing cluster NW to SDN ?

    This might be a newbie question: I have a five node cluster which I started with Proxmox 7.1 and subsequently updated to the latest 8.1.11 - I have up to now manually configured each node with it's own network settings (different machines & HW) Now that SDN is in full swing, is there a simple...
  9. R

    What is considered unusually high disk io for an NVME SSD ?

    Thx! No ZFS on this box (R86s) - Small form factor and just one nvme slot - so a single 500G device using LVM & LVM-Thin
  10. R

    What is considered unusually high disk io for an NVME SSD ?

    Thanks for the quick answer! I know the nvme can handle such volumes of writes - my question was more about sustained writes at that volume (presently around 5M) constantly over a long period . . . I checked the SMART valutes - and to my surprise :oops:, the nvme shows 13% wearout and 71TB...
  11. R

    What is considered unusually high disk io for an NVME SSD ?

    Just wondering - I have a small cluster of 5 nodes running various stuff - one node is an R86s (N5105) device running OPNSense as router - been working fine for many months now . . . but I noticed a problem recently which turned out to be the netflow monitor going nuts - I was experiencing...
  12. R

    Strange behavior on a single node - hanging on Proxmox Helper-Scripts execution

    UPDATE - after more testing, I narrowed it down to wget defaulting and failing while using IPv6 - if I force IPv4 - it works !!! Used this command: wget --inet4-only so something strange about IPv6 from this particular node's console...
  13. R

    Strange behavior on a single node - hanging on Proxmox Helper-Scripts execution

    Funny enough - I have a PiHole running as a LXC container on said node and I can use the wget command just fine to fetch the script - just not from the node console ?!? :confused:
  14. R

    Strange behavior on a single node - hanging on Proxmox Helper-Scripts execution

    Thx for the suggestions - here's what I checked: Pinging with IPs and names works fine . . . Networking config on all nodes appears to be correct . . . Switches checked - all OK, and YES - using VLANs and LACP for quite some time without issue . . . Firewall live view shows nothing strange when...
  15. R

    Strange behavior on a single node - hanging on Proxmox Helper-Scripts execution

    OK - so it appears to be something with the wget command not being able to fetch the script ?!? Hangs during the connection - here's the output from both examples - the broken node (R86s) and a working one (awowfox) So it would appear to be a networking issue of sorts . . . will investigate...
  16. R

    Strange behavior on a single node - hanging on Proxmox Helper-Scripts execution

    Thanks for your prompt reply - The exact same command line works on 4 out of 5 Proxmox nodes - so it's not the scripts themselves, it's something with the bash execution on this particular machine ?!? Take this one for example: bash -c "$(wget -qLO -...
  17. R

    Strange behavior on a single node - hanging on Proxmox Helper-Scripts execution

    I have a small cluster of 5 mixed machines - one of which is running a virtual OPNSense as firewall. Everything is running fine, but recently I noticed a strange issue which I can't find what's causing it . . . When running a script from Proxmox Helper Scripts...
  18. R

    [SOLVED] HELP!! Serious Console freeze / hanging - PVE / VMs - Spice or VNC - doesn't matter!

    Turns out, after many tests - my main machine which I use to access Proxmox was in the wrong VLAN segment - so this issue only affected ONE machine and Proxmox seems fine - So my bad for jumping to conclusions something was wrong with the servers Thanks again and have a great day!
  19. R

    Proxmox VM console from GUI freezes

    Thanks Luckyj for your response - YES, I have multiple IPs assigned to different VLAN segments (see attachment) and that has worked fine since over 14 months - not the issue. Turns out, after many tests - my main machine which I use to access was in the wrong VLAN segment - so this issue only...


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