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  1. T

    spice not working correctly

    I usually use linux vms for some purpose because spice agent works out-of-the-box. But recently something has changed and Ubuntu (24.04) spice driver got very very slow . Then I tested some older ubuntu versions like 20.04 and right after installation spice mode worked in real-time (very good)...
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    ovswitch problem after upgrade

    After/during latest upgrade (w and w/o subscription) I had problem with openvswitch interfaces : The node was cut off from the cluster and I had to use IPMI to recover net interfaces ... ifup vmbr0 did the job ... So be careful ....
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    PBS file restore - "timeout"

    Hello to all one of PBS-backedup VMs is linux mail server that stores each mail as one file (Kerio-Connect-GFI) In this case, one of users has cca 160.000 mail files in #msgs directory and while browsing mentioned directory , this kind of time-out message pops up Is there any chance to...
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    PBS - ZFS raid restore

    Hello to all , I just want to share my recent good experience with PBS ... I upgraded my PVE - PBS lab setup to 7.x / 2.x One of my VMs is truenas with virtual images in zfs raid (0-stripe) File-restore works for widnows volumes, linux volumes but the possibility to read zfs-raid volumes was...
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    backup speed vs restore speed

    My PBS setup consists of: 4 x 4T sata (5400 rpm) -> raidz10 PBS + datastore datasate /rpool/datastore1 2 x satadom ssd 64G -> raidz1- special device Backup speed gets up to 85-95% 1G wirespeed and this is pretty satisfactory, but restore speed is little questionable. When restoring just...
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    PBS backup faster than restore

    I installed PBS in VM and attached one virtio drive for datastore ... added datastore through GUI (storage(disks/...) etc. Everything works fine except that backup is cca 20% faster than restore (?!) ... and (traditional) restore from nfs-backup server (vzdump) is cca 3x faster and on...
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    backup register image failed: command error: unable to get shared lock

    Hello, I installed PBS in vm and attached NFS (ubuntu1804) as datastore. (mounted on /mnt/nfs1) Everything went straight forward, chunk-folders generated correctly, PBS attached to PVE, but backup failed like this: INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 104 --storage PBS01 --mode snapshot...
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    file-level restore

    Unlike "aplication" VM's, file-storage VM's could have large images. My first experiences with PBS tell me that this actual concept seems to fit more for disaster-recovery scenarios than for file-level restore. Finally we have incremental backup out-of-the-box and that is what we were missing...
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    [SOLVED] dirty/new bitmaps

    I installed PBS and TrueNas as nfs-datastore. Setup went well w/o any issues. But after 1st full backup , the second/incremental one started with "creating new bitmaps": INFO: virtio0: dirty-bitmap status: created new INFO: virtio1: dirty-bitmap status: created new Fullbackup lasted 16h and...
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    [SOLVED] PBS unvalid snapshots

    Hello to the team, 1st of all congrats for PBS which makes PVE more pwerfull than it was (also powerfull) before. I've made test-setup (1pve host, PBS as VM, pbs store -> local dir in PBS as nfs mount (netgear RN102) ) I took me a while to figure out how it works/handles "remote" store such...
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    nat dhcp

    Hello I'm defined new ethernet of type NAT for the quest machine. The guest booted up (as expected) and it's got IP adress from the dhcp in the NATed subnet (as expected). So the question would be how to manage this dhcp server in the NATed subnet? I want to put some quests with static IPs and...
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    VM w2008 1.7 problems

    Hi to all Since I've upgraded to PVE 1.7 I'ma having problems running/creating windows 2008STD Virtual machines. This is the only one that did not survive 1.6 to 1.7 migration. When i try to create it againg , black (onsole) screen sying windows is loading files lasts forever and ever. Does...