Search results

  1. wahmed

    bgp network

    If you are using BGP on pfsense, the simplest setup would be to use EVPN on Proxmox side and BGP on pfsense side. If you are trying to get rid of the pfsense and rather have everything on Proxmox SDN plain, that is possible too. As you can imagine, BGP is not the most common configuration, you...
  2. wahmed

    VM and Container don't have internet

    @fenix1983 Also check DNS configuration. Improper DNS setting on the host will cause internet issue for both LXC and the host.
  3. wahmed


    It looks to me a cable issue. If you are using Cat5 and not Cat5e or Cat6, the speed would be limited. Perhaps double-check the cable going into the proxmox host? The screenshot does show it is connecting over 1gbps bandwidth, as that's what is available to it.
  4. wahmed

    [SOLVED] Getting LACP to work on Proxmox 8.1

    The bond-master is not required to get LACP working. The syntax bond-slaves <primary-interface> <secondary-interface> is enough. Bond-master is old way of doing things. Adding it to the GUI would be going backward. If you remove or comment out the bond-master then reboot, I believe you will see...
  5. wahmed

    MAC address from the wrong ETH device

    Do you see similar result if you try to run nmap for other port such as 8006? SSH server is answering on all interface. The proxmox gui on port 8006 should only answer to the management IP. I believe you will see the nmap is picking up the right mac address for the management interface every time.
  6. wahmed

    Unable to access VM port from PVE

    What @Dunuin said is fully correct. You want to leave your hypervisor alone as much as possible for good reason. Specially if you are thinking of deploying something like nginx. I never tried it. It may mess up your Proxmox GUI dashboard or, it may not. You will find out. There is pre-built...
  7. wahmed

    [SOLVED] Problem with VLANs over VMBRs

    Yes, you can try this configuration as well. The code will look like this: auto vmbr0 iface vmbr0 inet static address X.X.X.X/X gateway X.X.X.X bridge-ports bond0 bridge-stp off bridge-fd 0 bridge-vlan-aware yes bridge-vids 2-4094 mtu 9000 auto...
  8. wahmed

    [SOLVED] Problem with VLANs over VMBRs

    Use this revised code: auto vmbr450 iface vmbr450 inet manual bridge-ports bond0.450 bridge-stp off bridge-fd 0 vlan-raw-device bond0 mtu 9000
  9. wahmed

    [SOLVED] Problem with VLANs over VMBRs

    If you are trying to configure a VM with a dedicated bridge as well, then do the following configuration. Do not create a separate vlan450: auto vmbr450 iface vmbr450 inet manual bridge-ports bond0 bridge-vlan-aware yes bridge-vids 450 bridge-stp off bridge-fd 0 mtu 9000 auto vlan450 iface...
  10. wahmed

    [SOLVED] Problem with VLANs over VMBRs

    @gawron737 If you want to configure vlan tag inside a VM, you cannot assign a bridge already configured as vlan. The bridge needs to be free from any vlan configuration at the host level. So, in your case, the network configuration on Proxmox will look something like this: auto vmbr0 iface vmbr0...
  11. wahmed

    Issue: Bridge not working

    From your post, it seems like you have the dedicated server hosted with a provider which comes with a dedicated IP. On top of that, you have another subnet /29 apart from the main subnet allocated. If it is correct, then you are facing the common issue of multiple IPs on a single MAC. It can be...
  12. wahmed

    Help. I can't ssh to my VM

    Have you configured SSH server inside the ubuntu VM? Does the Ubuntu VM have a network up and running? Can you ping outside from the VM? Your screenshot of ping report does not show from where to where you are pinging.
  13. wahmed

    [SOLVED] Problem with VLANs over VMBRs

    I personally prefer OpenvSwitch for networking, specially in a vlan heavy environment. It makes life a lot easier. If you are trying to configure your network where each VM will handle the tagging inside, then the simplest configuration is the following: auto vmbr0 iface vmbr0 inet manual...
  14. wahmed

    unable to passthrough the xbox wireless usb antenna

    Try this on Proxmox host: 1. $nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf 2. Add this to the file - blacklist mt76x2u 3. Save and Exit 4. $update-initramfs -u 5. Reboot Proxmox node 6. Uninstall the adapter, reboot Windows then reinstall the drivers. Also check Proxmox node syslog for any errors may...
  15. wahmed

    unable to passthrough the xbox wireless usb antenna

    There are primarily 2 ways to pass through USB devices. 1. USB Port itself 2. Using USB Vendor/Device ID Which option did you use to pass through? Using Vendor/Device ID will have better chance of working. It should be noted here, that not 100% of all USB devices will work using Pass through.
  16. wahmed

    Advice on disk configuration

    I have not seen your Server migration post. So I will leave my feedback here regarding the Storage. If you truly want to simulate a production level environment, I would recommend adding at least 2 more nodes and distribute the SAS drives you have. On a single node setup, you will miss out...
  17. wahmed

    Virtual Disk IO error

    The error can depend on whether you are committing live backup, which storage the VM is located etc. If it is running, try to stop the VM then perform the back. If you still see the error, then try to migrate the VM disk image to another location. If you see the error then, it would indicate a...
  18. wahmed

    installation stuck in GRUB

    A slow USB and USB port can cause this delay. One time I have seen this happening, installation continued after 35 minutes. The USB drive had an activity LED on it. It was continuously flickering indicating some activity. If the USB drive is faulty, that will cause extended delay as well. The...
  19. wahmed

    Backup to non-RAID disk

    That is correct. Create a directory: mkdir -p /mnt/backupdrv. Put a file system on the drive and mount.
  20. wahmed

    Backup to non-RAID disk

    From your screenshot, it looks like you are trying to create the Directory storage directly into the drive in path /dev/sda. It needs a mount point as @Dunuin already pointed out. Mount the 8TB drive say in /mnt/backupdrv. Then add the storage via Storage using /mnt/backupdrv as path/target...