It was definitely problem with ceph installation. Using separate network segments via public/cluster network parameters leads to problem with osd daemon can't report to mon daemon (still checking why). Using single network segment is ok.
I have successfully resolved the problem. The root of issue was in creating ceph cluster with
pveceph init --network b.b.b.b/mask
where b.b.b.b/mask network is second (private) segment devoted to ceph intra-cluster communication. So the /etc/pve/ceph.conf had the following lines:
If you want to use partitions as OSD disks then you have to create/initialize them manually, not with pveceph createosd command (you will need to set correct partition type GUID and name them as 'ceph data').
I has PVE 4.2 with Ceph installed with help of pveceph. The problem is that when I try to create CT/VM on RBD volume it ends with error:
TASK ERROR: rbd error: rbd: couldn't connect to the cluster!
I was able to trace calls to rbd binary which is executed with "--auth_supported none" in...
I found what's happening. Browser (web-interface) makes calls to https://hv01:8006 like
GET /api2/json/nodes/hv02/storage/local/status HTTP/1.1" 500 -
they are proxied to node hv02, then get locally proxied to tcp/85 where pvedaemon listens. Here is the timeout happened.
I have even switched from ntpd back to systemd-timesyncd - still no luck. What looks interesting - ceph cluster on these nodes doesn't complain about time synchronization problems.
P.S. Btw, why Proxmox starts systemd-timesyncd even if ntpd is up and running?
systemd-timesyncd is running on all nodes without errors.
May 24 06:52:03 host3 systemd-timesyncd[982]: interval/delta/delay/jitter/drift 2048s/-0.001s/0.000s/0.001s/-14ppm
Looks strange since your card is supported since 2.6.x by e1000 kernel module. Anyway Intel NICs like i350 or 82576-based looks acceptable (for servers).
Installed Proxmox 4.2 on 3 nodes and formed cluster. CLI tools like pvecm status/nodes show that cluster is OK. But GUI randomly 'grays out' nodes and randomly takes them back. No errors, quorum is established. I changed to udpu and back to multicast - no difference. What should I check...
Похоже, версии не совсем совместимые. У драйвера в ядре и утилиты. Смущает установка пакета drbd8-utils вместо drbd-utils.
# drbdadm -V
DRBDADM_BUILDTAG=GIT-hash:\ e9645bbce1e321ac5aa469b8d4ea547705e55895\ debian/changelog\ debian/compat\ debian/control\ debian/control.ubuntu-precise\...
I wonder what is "redundancy X" use scenario (for drbd: block in /etc/pve/storage.cfg). If I have 3 nodes and set redundancy value to 2, how will nodes be chosen to kept VM/CT volume? What will happen in case of 5 nodes and redundancy value set to 3?
Yes, adding more LVM storages is already possible. But I thought about adding 2 (or more) DRBD volumes with different replication policies. Right now only one VG/LV is possible: drbdpool/drbdthinpool (by default, one may use other types of DRBD storage plugins). With 2 (or more) DRBD VG/LV...
Using I was able to create lv with both ssd and sata disks combined. But still unhappy because pvmove have to be manually executed every time I added vm/ct to assing it to ssd or sata.
Is there any chance to...
I have pve 4.1, container with centos 6.7 installed from standard template centos-6-default_20160205_amd64.tar.xz. Umask not working as it has to (should be 644 for file and 755 for directory):
[root@work ~]# umask
[root@work ~]# touch tst && ls -l tst
-r--r----- 1 root root 0 Mar 15...
VM with all sataX drives seems to boot normally and devices look ok (there an error is shown while booting but no traces in syslog).
sda 8:0 0 16G 0 disk
└─sda1 8:1 0 16G 0 part /
sdb 8:16 0 64G 0 disk
sdc 8:32 0...
I have successfully created a few VMs on PVE 4.0. Hardware raid (/dev/sda - Dell H730 RAID10) is partitioned like this:
sda 8:0 0 2.7T 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 1M 0 part...
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